Tonight I realized something I have been trying to ignore for a long time. All the pain and torment I have felt about being alone comes from the fact that I won't let anyone too close to me. I push all those away from me and compulsively lie to keep up the facade of being happy and in control of my life. Ever since I...
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Wow, it's been awhile I updated here... No comp will do that to you. Not much has changed since my last update though. Well I am off. Later all.
Well, I am a single guy now. That is all there really is to say about that.
thankyou for the nice comment on my set smile

hope being single is treating you okay x
Well I put in for a new job today, I really hope I get it too. I currently work two full time jobs so only having one would relaly kick some serious ass. Plus if I only had one job, I could work on my photography more too. I really haven't shot serously in almost a year, that had to have done some damage. Well...
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