i'm getting sick of older black men in the district of columbia hitting on me and actually thinking i'm interested in the slightest. guess what: I'm NOT!!!
you telling me you fell in love with me when you first saw me, which by-the-way was five minutes ago, and calling me "baby", "sweetie", or any other gooey name to seduce me is not working. all it is doing is annoying me when i'm trying to work. YES, WORK!!! isn't that what you're suppose to be doing, being that is your truck that needs to be off loaded, but instead you have stopped to try to flirt with me even though I'M NOT INTERESTED!!!
when this shit goes down, half the time i want to just yell out "i'm a lesbian! leave me the fuck alone!", but that would be unprofessional and only half true. the machismo attitude i get from these guys is unreal. i'm too nice of a person, and i know that, which is probably lending to their efforts in the first place. they can see in my eyes i'm not going to be mean to them, even though most times i just want to rip their balls off and shove them down their throats to get them to shut up.
why do men feel it's okay to harrass women while they work. how would they like it if some gay men made cat calls towards them? bet they'd think twice before bothering me while i'm just trying to do my job.
mean glances don't seem to sway them. me looking away and ignoring them doesn't always work. maybe if i dressed like a boy, chopped all my hair off, and wore t-shirts saying "dicks aren't for chics", maybe then i would get some peace when i'm just trying to do my job.
i don't know you. you don't know me. leave me the fuck alone and let me do my job!
i had a 15 hour day on saturday, plus driving, and i'm still a little sore about it because on top of the hard work i had to do, i had to deal with this shit. it's never from my crew. my crew is great. it's always from men on other crews having nothing to do with us except they happen to be working on the same event. it never happens when i'm with me crew, only when i'm driving the truck to the gig or back to the shop. i'm alone baby sitting the truck with no one to help me and having to fend for myself. frankly, it's very shitty.
so, how was everyone else's weekend?
you telling me you fell in love with me when you first saw me, which by-the-way was five minutes ago, and calling me "baby", "sweetie", or any other gooey name to seduce me is not working. all it is doing is annoying me when i'm trying to work. YES, WORK!!! isn't that what you're suppose to be doing, being that is your truck that needs to be off loaded, but instead you have stopped to try to flirt with me even though I'M NOT INTERESTED!!!
when this shit goes down, half the time i want to just yell out "i'm a lesbian! leave me the fuck alone!", but that would be unprofessional and only half true. the machismo attitude i get from these guys is unreal. i'm too nice of a person, and i know that, which is probably lending to their efforts in the first place. they can see in my eyes i'm not going to be mean to them, even though most times i just want to rip their balls off and shove them down their throats to get them to shut up.
why do men feel it's okay to harrass women while they work. how would they like it if some gay men made cat calls towards them? bet they'd think twice before bothering me while i'm just trying to do my job.
mean glances don't seem to sway them. me looking away and ignoring them doesn't always work. maybe if i dressed like a boy, chopped all my hair off, and wore t-shirts saying "dicks aren't for chics", maybe then i would get some peace when i'm just trying to do my job.
i don't know you. you don't know me. leave me the fuck alone and let me do my job!

i had a 15 hour day on saturday, plus driving, and i'm still a little sore about it because on top of the hard work i had to do, i had to deal with this shit. it's never from my crew. my crew is great. it's always from men on other crews having nothing to do with us except they happen to be working on the same event. it never happens when i'm with me crew, only when i'm driving the truck to the gig or back to the shop. i'm alone baby sitting the truck with no one to help me and having to fend for myself. frankly, it's very shitty.

so, how was everyone else's weekend?
Being passive is not an answer. You will invite all sorts of aggression by being wishy-washy with the creeps.