internet is finally up and working at the place i'm crashing. therefore, you lovely folks can count on seeing me a little more often, though maybe not until the end of the coming weekend. my new job is working me senseless for the next five days, including two 12 hour days, but i can't really complain. the money will be great come pay day.
my life has slipped into a comfortable monotony. i'm working my butt off, seeing my friends when i can, and trying to get over the ex. so far, i think i'm doing well.
many thanks go out to Benzovodka. because of this wonderful man, i will be in attendance at SGB . everyone go thank him and lavish extravagant compliments upon him. he deserves it.
it's nice to not be sad all the time. it's nice to work a job i like. it's nice to know my life is going in a good direction.
oooo gossip, well sort of: for all of those who don't know, my mother was never married to my father. she was, however, his mistress for 20 years. (he is still married to the same women who bore my 40-something half brother.) well, for reasons my mother will not tell me, they broke up 2 1/2 years ago. she had not talked to him since the phone call that did them in. well, this past friday there was a gala for the hospital in which my parents worked and met. it occurs every two years. my mother had not attended last time, so she was determined to go this year. (and by determined, i mean neither i nor her best friend were going to let her stay home and do nothing.) she went, thinking my father would not be there. he was. he sat across the room from my mother and her best friend. i suppose they looked at each other, each willing the other to come over and say hi, but of course neither did. my mother's best friend stepped in and made the evening interesting. she went over, said hi, and got my dad to come talk to my mother. they were friendly. i know my mother was tickled pink. (she told me as much when she told me this story.) they were now on good terms again. my dad had to leave early (curfew and all, because he has a wife). my mom called me on saturday, told me the story, and then asked if i thought it would be ok if she called him., the daughter, if it woud be ok to call my dad...her ex-lover. i told her they were both adults (though this 54 yr old wasn't acting like it) and a phone call can just be a phone call. i talked to my dad yesterday. he spoke of the gala as well. i talked to my mom today. my dad had called her one hour before i called him. this is some weird soap opera shit going on. i find it funny. well, it's more like i'm collecting fodder for my memoirs, but either is good.
i see now that i have the internet again, i have bathered on and on. i will leave you now. i need to prep things for work and try to get some sleep.
love , like life, is unpredictable. no one can choose with whom they fall in love. we can only choose what to do about.

my life has slipped into a comfortable monotony. i'm working my butt off, seeing my friends when i can, and trying to get over the ex. so far, i think i'm doing well.
many thanks go out to Benzovodka. because of this wonderful man, i will be in attendance at SGB . everyone go thank him and lavish extravagant compliments upon him. he deserves it.
it's nice to not be sad all the time. it's nice to work a job i like. it's nice to know my life is going in a good direction.
oooo gossip, well sort of: for all of those who don't know, my mother was never married to my father. she was, however, his mistress for 20 years. (he is still married to the same women who bore my 40-something half brother.) well, for reasons my mother will not tell me, they broke up 2 1/2 years ago. she had not talked to him since the phone call that did them in. well, this past friday there was a gala for the hospital in which my parents worked and met. it occurs every two years. my mother had not attended last time, so she was determined to go this year. (and by determined, i mean neither i nor her best friend were going to let her stay home and do nothing.) she went, thinking my father would not be there. he was. he sat across the room from my mother and her best friend. i suppose they looked at each other, each willing the other to come over and say hi, but of course neither did. my mother's best friend stepped in and made the evening interesting. she went over, said hi, and got my dad to come talk to my mother. they were friendly. i know my mother was tickled pink. (she told me as much when she told me this story.) they were now on good terms again. my dad had to leave early (curfew and all, because he has a wife). my mom called me on saturday, told me the story, and then asked if i thought it would be ok if she called him., the daughter, if it woud be ok to call my dad...her ex-lover. i told her they were both adults (though this 54 yr old wasn't acting like it) and a phone call can just be a phone call. i talked to my dad yesterday. he spoke of the gala as well. i talked to my mom today. my dad had called her one hour before i called him. this is some weird soap opera shit going on. i find it funny. well, it's more like i'm collecting fodder for my memoirs, but either is good.
i see now that i have the internet again, i have bathered on and on. i will leave you now. i need to prep things for work and try to get some sleep.
love , like life, is unpredictable. no one can choose with whom they fall in love. we can only choose what to do about.
Lovely to see you back in action. Good luck with the new job.
There's nothing wrong with monotony every once in a while. At least there are no surprises.