happy belated b-day to moi!
SG doing maintainence yesterday made it unable for me to do a birthday entry. oh well. que sera.
yesterday i turned 23. i still feel the same as when i was 22, but i suppose since my theatrical career is starting to go somewhere, this age is better.
i had a marvelous day due in part to family, the boyfriend, and my best friends.
first i went to lunch at obreky's in fells point with my dad and my brother. good food and family time, all for free. my gift from my brother was some stuff from best buy (we roamed, i chose, he paid). my dad, however, gave his usual gift of money, which i am in desparate need of and was happy to receive. $250 will pay 1 1/2 of my bills. very nice.
when i came home, i took a nap nuzzling with alex. then there was some afternoon sexing.
after showers, we headed over to missy's house. she had a surprise for me, cupcakes for us all that spelled out "happy b-day." alex, missy, and missy's parents sang the birthday song to me and i was quite embarassed (yet tickled pink).
after cupcakes and barbeque, we headed over to blue jay's pool hall where we met up with nichole and Cairo. they came bearing presents. cairo gave me a small jewelry box which was cute. nichole, however, gave me strawberries. of course, i hopped up and down in happiness.
we starting playing pool and i had my best game ever. in my first turn up, i sinked four balls (first time ever). it took me only four turns to clear away all my balls. when i went for a shot on the eight ball, tho, i scratched. but still, i was on. i was in the zone. cairo, after the game, kept saying i was no longer on her level and that i must be stopped. nichole kept wagging her imaginary penis (index finger) at me to kill my mojo, which worked cause i was never that good again for the rest of the night.
in the middle of a game, i noticed cairo wore a precious little wooden turtle charm on a necklace. i asked her where she got it. she said she got it at the same amish market that her and nichole got the other gifts. she asked me if i liked it and of course, being a terrapin, i said yes. she said i could have it, took it off her neck, and put it on mine immediately. she then confessed it was my original present, but she fell in love with it. she bought the jewelry box as a secondary cover-up gift. i fell out laughing. leave it to cairo to try to cover her tracks but then confess at the drop of a hat. she felt guilty, but i told her it was okay. she would have ended up giving me the necklace if i had not mentioned it. i know she's that good of a friend.
after pool there was half price appetizers at appleby's. and, unfortunately, they did the happy birthday BS for me. but at least i got a free dessert. oh, and the other bummer of the night was caused by my boy's stomach. alex is lactose intolerant but insists on eating cheese (cause he's basically in love with it). by the end of the late night snack session, he was sick from eating my nachos. apparently he almost threw up when he and missy went out for a smoke break. instead of after party at nichole's place, i took my sick baby home. it took him about 1 1/2 hours before he wasn't bad anymore, and we had more birthday sexing.
so yeah, really good day.
hope everyone had a good weekend.
much love,
SG doing maintainence yesterday made it unable for me to do a birthday entry. oh well. que sera.
yesterday i turned 23. i still feel the same as when i was 22, but i suppose since my theatrical career is starting to go somewhere, this age is better.
i had a marvelous day due in part to family, the boyfriend, and my best friends.
first i went to lunch at obreky's in fells point with my dad and my brother. good food and family time, all for free. my gift from my brother was some stuff from best buy (we roamed, i chose, he paid). my dad, however, gave his usual gift of money, which i am in desparate need of and was happy to receive. $250 will pay 1 1/2 of my bills. very nice.
when i came home, i took a nap nuzzling with alex. then there was some afternoon sexing.
after showers, we headed over to missy's house. she had a surprise for me, cupcakes for us all that spelled out "happy b-day." alex, missy, and missy's parents sang the birthday song to me and i was quite embarassed (yet tickled pink).
after cupcakes and barbeque, we headed over to blue jay's pool hall where we met up with nichole and Cairo. they came bearing presents. cairo gave me a small jewelry box which was cute. nichole, however, gave me strawberries. of course, i hopped up and down in happiness.
we starting playing pool and i had my best game ever. in my first turn up, i sinked four balls (first time ever). it took me only four turns to clear away all my balls. when i went for a shot on the eight ball, tho, i scratched. but still, i was on. i was in the zone. cairo, after the game, kept saying i was no longer on her level and that i must be stopped. nichole kept wagging her imaginary penis (index finger) at me to kill my mojo, which worked cause i was never that good again for the rest of the night.
in the middle of a game, i noticed cairo wore a precious little wooden turtle charm on a necklace. i asked her where she got it. she said she got it at the same amish market that her and nichole got the other gifts. she asked me if i liked it and of course, being a terrapin, i said yes. she said i could have it, took it off her neck, and put it on mine immediately. she then confessed it was my original present, but she fell in love with it. she bought the jewelry box as a secondary cover-up gift. i fell out laughing. leave it to cairo to try to cover her tracks but then confess at the drop of a hat. she felt guilty, but i told her it was okay. she would have ended up giving me the necklace if i had not mentioned it. i know she's that good of a friend.
after pool there was half price appetizers at appleby's. and, unfortunately, they did the happy birthday BS for me. but at least i got a free dessert. oh, and the other bummer of the night was caused by my boy's stomach. alex is lactose intolerant but insists on eating cheese (cause he's basically in love with it). by the end of the late night snack session, he was sick from eating my nachos. apparently he almost threw up when he and missy went out for a smoke break. instead of after party at nichole's place, i took my sick baby home. it took him about 1 1/2 hours before he wasn't bad anymore, and we had more birthday sexing.
so yeah, really good day.

hope everyone had a good weekend.
much love,
you dear, are a good kisser
Oh and your man can hold his breath longer than anyone I know.