things are going good with me and alex (the boyfriend). we've been doing coupley stuff a lot. right now i just finished a breakfast sandwich he made for me while i was roommate searching. i emailed about a dozen people through a roommates website and i'm hoping to get some hits in a day or two. i also have to call three people today as well.
life is ok. scarey, the whole loosing my home thing, but i'm dealing.
weird moment of the day: i found out me and alex went to the same small concert about three years ago. black cat: pretty girls make graves and ex-models were playing. three years ago i could've met him. weird.
2nd weird moment: he knew one of my college roommates.
fate - you are fucking with me.
things are going good with me and alex (the boyfriend). we've been doing coupley stuff a lot. right now i just finished a breakfast sandwich he made for me while i was roommate searching. i emailed about a dozen people through a roommates website and i'm hoping to get some hits in a day or two. i also have to call three people today as well.
life is ok. scarey, the whole loosing my home thing, but i'm dealing.
weird moment of the day: i found out me and alex went to the same small concert about three years ago. black cat: pretty girls make graves and ex-models were playing. three years ago i could've met him. weird.
2nd weird moment: he knew one of my college roommates.
fate - you are fucking with me.
glad things are better for you. boys that make you breakfast sound wonderful.
Good luck with the roommate search.