today has been a
really long day.
this is by far my longest update, hence the spoilers. click at your own risk. this is a vent session, just to warn you.
dental update
- short version: root canal for toothache, all four wisdom teeth will have to be pulled in the near future, but i'm on heavy meds and feel no pain.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
so apparently you're not suppose to take ibuprofen and drink any alcohol. doing this causes liver damage.
i crashed at my mom's house around 2am after getting drunk at a bar with people i barely knew and meeting a hot chic i wanted to fuck but was only "curious" about girls. my dental appointment was at 8:30am.
i went to the office very fucking tired and smelling like cigarettes. one of my distant cousins works in the office, so at least there was a friendly face. after filling out paperwork, they had me come back and get both my jaw and the specific tooth in pain x-rayed. i had to take off all my earrings (making it a bitch to put it all back in), but not my tongue ring thank goodness. so the doctor examines me and i knew it was as bad as i thought when he started off his sentence "so your first problem..." my case was so interesting, he left and brought back another doctor to look at it. human anomalies are always so interesting.
turns out i have a severe cavity in the tooth that's been killing me. on the x-ray, you can actually see the depth the crack at the center. this cavity is so bad that it is inflamed and causing fluid to drain into my gums causing the swelling i noticed (and kinda freaked me out, hence the visit). also, my wisdom tooth right behind it is starting to impacted said really bad cavity tooth. any my others are "not helping me" either. so...i have to get all my wisdom teeth pulled. oh, and of course there are more cavities that he didn't even bother mentioning. i guess i have become a work in progress. and the fun part: i have NO insurance. thankfully my cousin hooked me up with this discount medical plan. i pay them about $15 a month and my dental fees are reduced by 25%. in my immediate future (two weeks to be exact) my very bad cavity is going to receive a root canal. after that we'll start dealing with the wisdom teeth and the many other problems my mouth has.
after my dental adventures, i came home and took a nap before work. and then i had the night from hell.
Uno's update
- short version: a guest yelled at me in front of my manager and made me cry. i almost quit tonight. but i didn't, and i ended up making $120. go fig.
oh, and i cut back my hours at Uno'd to 3 shifts a week (Fri lunch, Sat dinner, and Sun either lunch or dinner).
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
friday nights are crazy. everybody knows that. but for about 30mins in the night is was the worse it has ever been for me. i had a 7top complain that there food took too long to come out. mind you, it was SEVEN people and SEVEN orders with a full house also ordering. i ended up being so busy getting all the food out to the 7top, i could not get the drinks to my 3 and 4 tops. a manager had to get an order while i got another. the bar was crashed, as well, so all my bar drinks took forever. i had a guy be a smartass about his appetizer to my face. and once i got the 7top their check, they complained that the kids' soda which are listed as $.99 in the old kids' menu, but they were charged $1.19, the new and correct price. yup, bitching over $.20.
so i go to my manager to have the $.20 taken off. as we are in the process of doing this, the father from 4 top comes up to us and starts yelling, actually yelling, at me to my manager saying i am the worst server in the resaurant, i was doing a horrible job, and he wanted another server.
that was it. i could hold everything else in. i could eat the 7 top's impatience and the asshole about the appetizer. i took all that in and moved on. but this guy was in my face, not even a foot away, my manager was right next to me, i had been running around trying to make everyone happy. it was just too much. i excused myself from my manager, who of course let me go, and i went back to dish area in the little alcove by the back door, sat on the floor and balled my eyes out. i sobbed, i cried, i knew for sure people could hear me over the dish machine. it was bad. i can't even remember the last time i cried that hard. i think this went on for about 15 minutes. the time obviously is a little fuzzy. intermittently, a server would come by to check on me. when i was finally able to stand up, i tried to walk back out, and then proceeded to run back and cry more. it was not pretty. the other servers covered my tables for me, tho. in all the emotion, i thought i was going to quit or go home. i don't know how i did it, but i made myself go back out there. turns out my manager was waiting on the complaining table and told me don't even look at them. everyone had their food and was fine. i picked up from where i let off and moved on. the complaining table ended up leaving me tip cause my manager was so nice. and right after my 7 top was gone, i got an 8 top full of guys who were great and tipped me $25 on a $100 check. every other table that night was ok or better. so i suppose karma caught up to me and gave me a break.
all the servers i talked to said that situations like mine happen at least once to every server and you just gotta take it and move on. the cooks were telling me the next time something like this happens, tell the guy to fuck off. i really wish i could.
i'm still gonna try to do my best to be that people pleaser, tho. it's just who i am. i just gotta remember that sometimes you can't please everyone.
okay, time for bed. i get to see my brother tomorrow for the first time in about two months. and i have all next weekend off (cause they thought i was quitting).
i miss my nightly beer before bed.
everything will be fine.......and to the bad customer.....fuck them. with hot pokers and no lubrication.......ur good people, and if they can't see that, then they can go to hell, with their children.