I come today, a different man, than I was the day before, an Army Veteran, a Single Father, a Stoner, a Thinker, a Student. Life has been soo soo different since I've been home. [
I am soo happy that I am back around my daughter on a daily basis, jumping from the "soldier" role to the "DADDY" role is a big fucking jump. I enjoy it though, my LAdybuG is my world and is helping more than she ever will know mentally. Oh my fucking god this shit is FUCKING hard. My mind races at 100 K every fucking 10 seconds, I spend my days running errands, helping my mother with her baking, and running "errands", lol. Yes, I am a fucking STONER, been one, and rep it PROUDLY, HA HA. I Getting ready for school in January, Louisiana Culinary Institute in Baton Rouge, let's cook it up!!! I am high all the time, seems to be the only way I can function! My family says I listen to waaayyyyyyy too much OFWGKTA (Wolf Gang for the non-radicals, lmao
) Life is hectic, life is fucking crazy, oh my, I am soo happy to be back home. MY brother graduated from Air Force Basic Training a few weeks ago
A collection of pictures from Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, went to the Alamo and the River Walk, was nice, picked up a messenger bag ARMY of course, lol

Other than that, my whole life is in the kitchen and being a DADDY

hopefully I will be able to load up more pictures this evening, gotta go, lol. Love to all, will be going back and reading blogs to catch up with everyone, I haven't forgotten about none of you.

I come today, a different man, than I was the day before, an Army Veteran, a Single Father, a Stoner, a Thinker, a Student. Life has been soo soo different since I've been home. [

A collection of pictures from Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, went to the Alamo and the River Walk, was nice, picked up a messenger bag ARMY of course, lol

Other than that, my whole life is in the kitchen and being a DADDY

hopefully I will be able to load up more pictures this evening, gotta go, lol. Love to all, will be going back and reading blogs to catch up with everyone, I haven't forgotten about none of you.
Kudos on making guys like us (intellectual deep brothers) look good.