Once again it has been a while since i have been on here. Life has been crazy but, what can I say, it kinda would be weird if it wasn't...
I'm still not out of the Army yet, just waiting on fucking paperwork. Always a hurry up and wait type situation with the Army, you would think after 7 yrs this March I would have realized that and wouldn't be getting mad anymore, lol.
I am still SOBER! YAY me, don't know how many days, but I am still sober, soo fuck it. I am just proud of myself that I made it this far.
The Weeknd posted a new video, just thought I'd let ya'll know. The man is cold, yeah his music is slow and very mellow, but some people need that to keep them sane, lol. I listen to National Public Radio 85% of the day just cause it relaxes me, lol.
Life is well, my ladybug lost 2 teeth, she has her first Valentine's day dance tomorrow. She is growing up so fast, she'll be 13 this year, my LadyBug is grown.
So, I am thinking about taking a 1 month road trip looking for suggestions on where to go and where to party,now you gotta have that fire if you wanna kick it, cause I'm bringing that OOH WEE!! Sitting here taking bong rips, jamming out to to some 90s R&B, what you know about that???
Road Trip
That is the route I plan on taking, spending a few days in each highlighted spot depending on whats going on. If anyone wants to kick it or know of any good sights to stop along the way, I am open to make adjustments and add stops to my trip. This is my vacation after the after 7 years, 26 months deployed and exiting with Honorable time served, God Bless to all my brothers and sisters that I served with, to the one that walked back with us and especially to the ones we carried.
Other than that, still moving down to LA to help my grandfather out for a while and get ready for my next career move. I just want to get out of the Army, my time is done and its time to move on.Well, here are a few recent pics of me doing me...
I'd have to say, haven't had a PB&J in a long time, decided to make me one the other day for lunch with some Barbeque Lays. Oh my what a nice treat, lol.

What you think???
Faded at the homies acting a straight donkey clowning this dude who came over talking shit, lol. That clown had the straight boo boo face when we finished with his ass, lol.
Are these better???
The Homie Jinx, faded at the Session...
Another rainy day in Tacoma!!!
The new toy, for public use, lol.
A gift for a few friends on 420
The homie before we did a show last weekend,what fun
Yes, I kinda got back into dancing and stripping a lil bit, nothing too much, just having a lil fun. Enjoying my freedom, yeah, enjoying ME!
Well goodnight, stay blessed and hope you all enjoy your Valentine's Day, oh shit Happy Valentine's Day!!! LOL, well, yeah all that jazz and spazz, like I saw earlier on someone else's blog i think, I'm faded: Kiss More, Fuck More, Bite More... Enough Said.

Once again it has been a while since i have been on here. Life has been crazy but, what can I say, it kinda would be weird if it wasn't...
I'm still not out of the Army yet, just waiting on fucking paperwork. Always a hurry up and wait type situation with the Army, you would think after 7 yrs this March I would have realized that and wouldn't be getting mad anymore, lol.
I am still SOBER! YAY me, don't know how many days, but I am still sober, soo fuck it. I am just proud of myself that I made it this far.

The Weeknd posted a new video, just thought I'd let ya'll know. The man is cold, yeah his music is slow and very mellow, but some people need that to keep them sane, lol. I listen to National Public Radio 85% of the day just cause it relaxes me, lol.
Life is well, my ladybug lost 2 teeth, she has her first Valentine's day dance tomorrow. She is growing up so fast, she'll be 13 this year, my LadyBug is grown.

So, I am thinking about taking a 1 month road trip looking for suggestions on where to go and where to party,now you gotta have that fire if you wanna kick it, cause I'm bringing that OOH WEE!! Sitting here taking bong rips, jamming out to to some 90s R&B, what you know about that???
Road Trip
That is the route I plan on taking, spending a few days in each highlighted spot depending on whats going on. If anyone wants to kick it or know of any good sights to stop along the way, I am open to make adjustments and add stops to my trip. This is my vacation after the after 7 years, 26 months deployed and exiting with Honorable time served, God Bless to all my brothers and sisters that I served with, to the one that walked back with us and especially to the ones we carried.

Other than that, still moving down to LA to help my grandfather out for a while and get ready for my next career move. I just want to get out of the Army, my time is done and its time to move on.Well, here are a few recent pics of me doing me...

I'd have to say, haven't had a PB&J in a long time, decided to make me one the other day for lunch with some Barbeque Lays. Oh my what a nice treat, lol.

What you think???

Faded at the homies acting a straight donkey clowning this dude who came over talking shit, lol. That clown had the straight boo boo face when we finished with his ass, lol.

Are these better???

The Homie Jinx, faded at the Session...

Another rainy day in Tacoma!!!

The new toy, for public use, lol.

A gift for a few friends on 420

The homie before we did a show last weekend,what fun

Well goodnight, stay blessed and hope you all enjoy your Valentine's Day, oh shit Happy Valentine's Day!!! LOL, well, yeah all that jazz and spazz, like I saw earlier on someone else's blog i think, I'm faded: Kiss More, Fuck More, Bite More... Enough Said.