Hello all my dear PHAM and friends...
I hope this message reaches everyone in good health and spirits. I am doing well this day, 42 DAYS SOBER! YAY me, everything is everything, started back to work this week. Still don't do shiit, but sit around all day, but it feels good to be back at work. Oh, I slapped the dog piss out of a soldier yesterday also, that was funny as hell. The "KIDS" in our section love to play these little nut tap games, I don't why in the hell they tried to decide to include me, but one came up to me and asked me for a smoke, I obliged his request and when I was extending my hand to pass the the smoke, dumb fuck giggles and and nut checks me. I crumple like a retired scare crow and then get up and smoothly try to enjoy a cigarette while they sit over and giggle about it. About 15 min later we had formation and I walked up behind this dumb fuck and tap him on his shoulder. He turns around to my hand going ever so rudely across his face( I wanted to punch the kid, but I would've killed the poor bastard, I was soo pissed, I had to calm down for a second before I even approached him, LMAO!!!) His PC goes flying across formation and he hits the ground, I help him and and tell him, " Next time don't pay with grown folks." He didn't say anything, just grabbed his PC and got back in formation the whole Company is just stuck trying to figure out what the hell just happened, LOL. I get back in Formation and that was the end of that. My PSG walked up to me after formation, tapped me on the shoulder and said, " Welcome back." So that, to me, was a perfect start of a work week, and I felt so relaxed on my way to the house after work, it was amazing. Was I wrong for that, lol? Cause I don't feel wrong at all, it actually felt good. How was everyone's weekend, anything exciting happen other than what is already posted? Shout out to Suzika for the very sexy video, yoou damn sexy beautiful, LOL.

I hope this message reaches everyone in good health and spirits. I am doing well this day, 42 DAYS SOBER! YAY me, everything is everything, started back to work this week. Still don't do shiit, but sit around all day, but it feels good to be back at work. Oh, I slapped the dog piss out of a soldier yesterday also, that was funny as hell. The "KIDS" in our section love to play these little nut tap games, I don't why in the hell they tried to decide to include me, but one came up to me and asked me for a smoke, I obliged his request and when I was extending my hand to pass the the smoke, dumb fuck giggles and and nut checks me. I crumple like a retired scare crow and then get up and smoothly try to enjoy a cigarette while they sit over and giggle about it. About 15 min later we had formation and I walked up behind this dumb fuck and tap him on his shoulder. He turns around to my hand going ever so rudely across his face( I wanted to punch the kid, but I would've killed the poor bastard, I was soo pissed, I had to calm down for a second before I even approached him, LMAO!!!) His PC goes flying across formation and he hits the ground, I help him and and tell him, " Next time don't pay with grown folks." He didn't say anything, just grabbed his PC and got back in formation the whole Company is just stuck trying to figure out what the hell just happened, LOL. I get back in Formation and that was the end of that. My PSG walked up to me after formation, tapped me on the shoulder and said, " Welcome back." So that, to me, was a perfect start of a work week, and I felt so relaxed on my way to the house after work, it was amazing. Was I wrong for that, lol? Cause I don't feel wrong at all, it actually felt good. How was everyone's weekend, anything exciting happen other than what is already posted? Shout out to Suzika for the very sexy video, yoou damn sexy beautiful, LOL.
