I'd like to let you all know about a website that myself and others have been working on. It's called Chiller Instincts and it's a music site where you can download some of the hottest new beats out there... all for free. But not only that, you'll be able to keep up with your favorite artists, as well as those you may not have heard...
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@balandra is the best of them all. Everyone should show her set love! :)
The past month or so I've been working hard to restore the interior of my 1968 Mustang back to the way it looked when it was a brand new 45 years ago. Check out the before and after pics below.
Pretty nifty, eh? I'm proud of it :)
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I don't know how I feel about the new look of the website, but I'm sure I'll adjust to it. Definitely more modern and forward looking as opposed to the Myspace circa 2002 look it had going on for a while there. Welp, hope everyone has a great day today! :)
Apparently she drunkenly made out with some guy at a bar; not only did she not tell me about this, but she continued to see this guy for awhile doing God knows what else with him. She herself claims that it was just the drunken make out...
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I have an influential tumblr blog and if any of you hopefuls out there would like a little bit of an internet boost, I can help you out.
My tumblr url is re-genesis.tumblr.com. Come check it out!
its the new thing but the trick is to slip them up use a word that sounds similar but means something different. and slowly over time they look more and more foolish using it