so it's a month later and's still been over a year on SG. and it's still been taunting me to make some friends here. i've enjoyed participating on the boards/groups but yeah i've otherwise antisocial on here. haha. it's not a bad thing i guess, but as one of my good friends and i have discussed recently, it's nice to feel like you gave it your all with people and SG seems like a pretty chill crowd once you get down to it.
anyhow, i'm watching harold and kumar and it's rediculous. i don't care if it's a bad movie. it's funny as hell. i miss the nhl. i very little exciting to report. perhaps that's why i haven't talked to my brother for a while. i have nothing to say about my life that i'm proud of. except volunteering for Relay for Life. and helping my mom paint the house. other than that. i can't say i've accomplished much the past month. time to make something happen.
"now it's time to get out of the desert
and into the sun"
<== optimistic pirate
anyhow, i'm watching harold and kumar and it's rediculous. i don't care if it's a bad movie. it's funny as hell. i miss the nhl. i very little exciting to report. perhaps that's why i haven't talked to my brother for a while. i have nothing to say about my life that i'm proud of. except volunteering for Relay for Life. and helping my mom paint the house. other than that. i can't say i've accomplished much the past month. time to make something happen.
"now it's time to get out of the desert
and into the sun"