Stumbled upon these again in my travels,
words to live by:
The Ten Commandments of Self-Worth
I. Thou shalt not consort with people who make thee feel bad about thyself.
II. Thou shalt cease trying to make sense out of crazy behavior.
Unless thou wishes to join in
III. Thou shalt not keep company with those more dysfunctional than thyself.
IV. Trust thy body all the days of thy life (thy mind doth fornicate with thee).
Which is in fact different than "mindf*ck"
V. Thou has permission at all times to say "no", to change thy mind, and to express thy true feelings.
VI. What is not right for thee is also not right for thy brethren.
VII. Thou shalt not give beyond thine own capacity.
VIII. What thy brethren think of thee mattereth naught.
IX. Wherever thou art, therein also is the party.
this can be taken *so* many ways.
X. Thou shalt sing thine own praises all the days of thy life.
words to live by:
The Ten Commandments of Self-Worth
I. Thou shalt not consort with people who make thee feel bad about thyself.
II. Thou shalt cease trying to make sense out of crazy behavior.
Unless thou wishes to join in

III. Thou shalt not keep company with those more dysfunctional than thyself.
IV. Trust thy body all the days of thy life (thy mind doth fornicate with thee).
Which is in fact different than "mindf*ck"
V. Thou has permission at all times to say "no", to change thy mind, and to express thy true feelings.
VI. What is not right for thee is also not right for thy brethren.
VII. Thou shalt not give beyond thine own capacity.
VIII. What thy brethren think of thee mattereth naught.
IX. Wherever thou art, therein also is the party.
this can be taken *so* many ways.
X. Thou shalt sing thine own praises all the days of thy life.
Lmao, I absolutely love these and shall commit myself to them! XDD And thanks again for the love on my set!