Well, it's Monday again... It's begining to feel like "Groundhogs Day", LOL

I'm already thinking about Friday! I know, I'm a sad creature. I hope everyone had a great weekend. I feel like I slept through it... I need to be more productive!

Have fun everyone! smile
Okay, so I'm horribly bored in this overly humid weather... I need to do something constructive but figuring out what to do will be a chore.

I'm reading but I usually don't hit the books until 6:30 which leaves me an hour spare time. And it's like they say, idle hands do the devils work.

I'm tired of this weather. I hope the weekend is beter.

Here I am waiting.
Just waiting.
Anticipating a chance to run into you.
I sit here for hours.
One day I even sat through a rain shower.
For just a glance.
A chance to talk to you.
You're probably wondering how I even know you.
For now you're just my dream.
And when I wake up I hope you talk to...
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So I'm trying to break a record for me, 4 books in one week. I don't think i'll make it but it would be nice to try smile

I hope everyone had an awesome 4th. It went by way too fast for me but hey, doesn't all days off?

Stay cool you princes of Maine....
love love love love

I have until 6 to finish my book but I definately won't make it. But it's a good read so i'm happy!

Happy Fourth of July Weekend!!!

This should be interesting.

Have fun and don't drink too much... I can't say the same about myself though wink
love love love

I hope your have a great day off! Relax a little! love love

You're precious...
Thank you, so are you! love love love love love
It's hot as hell outside! I'm dying frown I can't wait to get into bed and turn on the air conditioning.

Other than that, I don't really have much to say. I haven't been bloging as much as I should... I usually enjoy it but I've been bored with everything lately. Work has been everchanging, I hardly watch TV anymore. I just spend my time at...
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I can't wait! My new guitar comes in a couple of days. I couldn't afford to get the one I wanted (an Epiphone Les Paul, cream on black) so I got a cheaper black Les Paul Special II model. It sucks but what can I do? I'll get the one I want in a few weeks. I'll have to kill myself at work but I...
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Thanks! I know how work is. I'm going to be killing myself there soon. Just coming in on weekends and staying late. But I'm sure we'll meet up sometime. smile

Wow! A custom shop guitar.... that must be so cool. I'll get there eventually. I'm pacing myself right now. LOL! If you don't mind my asking, how much did the Gibson run you? I know that Epiphone is the "cheap line" Gibson but I've heard that the sound is phenominal on the Gibson.

I've also been looking at Ibanez guitars. I've never played one but I've heard that the pick ups are awesome on them and Guitar Center has a starter pack Ibanez (amp, guitar, gig bag and guitar) on sale. But for some reason, I'm a Les Paul girl. I love them. Maybe someday I'll get a Gibson Les Paul but that will probably be when i'm in my 50's. When I can afford one. LOL! skull
Gibson are so over priced that I think it's best to buy a used Gibson. My SG cost me $875.00. I used to have a 1977 Les Paul Custom.
The end of the weekend... man, this sucks!

All is well in quiet town. Just a little sleepy. Just a little bored.

Hopefullt the week will be over soon, again. miao!!
I spent waay too much money this weekend. It sure was fun!
LOL! Spending too much money is always fun! The hell with the circumstances! smile
WOW! It's Wednesday and it's not sweltering.... what a surprize!

I'm just here checking out what I've missed the last couple of days. I've been hiding out where it's nice and cool so I haven't really been online for the last few days.

My poor kitty has been suffering during the heat wave. I went away for the weekend (to somebody's house that has AC)...
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Another day, another dollar...

Thank God tomorrow is Friday, I've been having a week of all weeks at work. First they had me training people, now I have to do a demo at work for the department managers boss tomorrow. I just need to mellow out. Maybe I need to lay off the coffee. I guess I should be flattered that I'm in such high...
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Hug, sorry Hon kiss

You rock! love

your Bri


You're the ginchiest! kiss