Oh My God! I'm blind! I just came back from the eye doctors and they dilated my pupils.... I can't see shit!
I didn't even think I was old enough yet for them to be dilated... WTF??? surreal surreal surreal
Hug, sorry! frown
Thanks! My eyes weren't back to normal until this morning! LOL!
I love it! Sorry I haven't been in touch, been busy and tired.

Love you!
Thanks! I know what you mean about being tired... I'm sick and i've been annoyed everyday at work which isn't a good thing LOL! I almost told my boss off last week so I think it's time for a vacation soon, LOL! I think it should be against company policy to hire morons as supervisors blush
Hey! Happy New year everyone! I haven't been on as much as I'd like to be... long story with my computer but I should have one by next Friday or the guy from Geek Squad will have it fixed for me... Woo Hoo!

Now that it's the new year... i'm extremely grateful for a lot of things... The most kick ass friends that have been...
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Man, I'm crashing after my tattoo high. All I can think about is the next one. My skin is crawling thinking that I'm going to have to wait till the 8th of next month. See, that's why tattoos are so dangerous! You get addicted to them. I don't even flinch when I get one.... but the scary thing is that tattoo needles don't bother me...
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I can hear the Pink Floyd in it...sort of a Wish You Were Here era vibe smile
Exactly! That's what I was thinking. I'm glad i'm not crazy! confused
Well, I didn't get the tattoo I wanted (I have to do it at an hourly rate, $150 per hour, with a minimum of $400 for the actual work) so I got something else instead. I'm going to have it done the first week of January (that's what my appointment says...) by the guy who seems to have become my favorite tattoo artist. I ended...
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Look forward to seeing it!
Thanks! I can't get my camera to work today so I'm going to have to fiddle with it some more... I hope the damn thing isn't broken! I'm still trying to figure out what the tattoo means though... I've been online all day a work trying to figure it out. All I really know right now is that it's egyptian cursive writing.

If I get frustrated enough, I might take a stop by the MFA and see if they can figure it out. All I could decipher was it's about time and the cycle of the sun. Pretty cool in it's own right but I just want to make sure it's not Egyptian for "I suck"! But then again, I do suck so I guess that's not so bad, LOL wink
It never ends...

I'm back! I'm just waiting for the week to be over... I'm getting a new tattoo on Monday so this week is F@#king draging. I hate waiting! I've got itchy palms right now. I'm not a patient person....
Well, I got my snakebites... I hate the studs that they put in... I would have liked rings but they didn't have the right size frown I guess it shouldn't be a big deal, I can change them in 2 months but I really would have liked rings.

But I'm pretty happy that I had them done. I can't wait until I get my sleeve done....
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Well, it's that time of year again! I'm in the mood for another piercing and tattoo... I'm not sure what I want to get pierced yet. Maybe I'll get a snake bite (I'm already half way there so why not??). I'll probably go this weekend to get the other side done. If not this weekend, then on my birthday. Happy Birthday, me! =)

I'm saving...
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