I need to check in here more often... I've been slacking. I spend so much time with the boyfriend that I'm hardly around. I don't know if I mentioned before but me and the ex are now back together (yes, the one from the Scarce show). Everything is great so far. I hope I don't jinx myself. I still have "comfort" problems but hopefully I'll...
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out of curiousity, is there a lot of noise with the hummer? I have a HH that buzzed like crazy when I had the stock pups in there.
Not at all... but I haven't cranked up the volume on it and the amp that I have isn't that great...
Man! What I would REALLY like is a week without best friend drama....

My friend has been giving me grief about hanging out with my ex. That's fine... I mean, I've been spending a lot of time with him and I felt bad. Okay. So she was moving because her and her husband and kids got evicted (how the hell do you get evicted, I...
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I'm freakin exhausted... I need like a day of sleep. Thank God I have tomorrow off.

I spent the night at my ex-boyfriends apartment. While I loved being with him, the three buses to get there sucked. We just hung out, listened to music, talked... all that fun stuff. I had a really good time, other than the fact that his couch is uncomfortable. I'm...
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Rainy days are so perfect when you can cuddle up to someone you love... even though Sunday was rained out for me, it was still perfect. It's so beautiful and poetic to wake up on a rainy day and have someone to wake up to... (even if they are just on the couch...)

I'm all screwed up right now. I want to tell him that...
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Is it Friday yet??? I just want to get the weekend started. I'm bored already!
Hug, what's new hon?
Life, it's ever changing... what's new with you?