Well I got killed today, boy did I ever get killed. LOL me and my partner both. He did a scenario me nor my partner even remotely thought of!!! K so we banged on the door.. "Police department! open up!!" etc etc... the second time we bang on the door, the girl runs out saying "He has a gun, hes gonna kill himself!" me and Tyler (my partner) looked at each other like.. oh fuck. I say ma'am wait outside.. and as soon as we step into the door way he takes the gun down from his head and goes pow pow you're both dead. It was all of maybe like 3 minutes. Gah talk about eye opener though. Well we still both got the participation grade but nothing for our evaluation grade cause we didnt even really do anything. Geez...
well in other news, I got my new apartment today!! I'm gonna start moving stuff in this week. so I might be out of the internet for a couple days. I can still get on from my Blackberry though.
well in other news, I got my new apartment today!! I'm gonna start moving stuff in this week. so I might be out of the internet for a couple days. I can still get on from my Blackberry though.
How very curious...
Hello, Killjoi. Anybody whose hero is Joe Strummer is probably good to have as a friend.