Gosh I'm so tired today.. class was boring as hell I almost fell asleep.. tomorrow in Patrol/Criminal procedure is our domestic violence roleplay. I dont know what to expect really. A guy in my Criminal Investigations class was telling me and another dude in my Procedures class that our teacher does like, crazy shit. Like sometimes when you open the door, he just shoots you and you instantly fail the roleplay if you get shot. And sometimes he wears a gas mask and talks about aliens and is just acting crazy. And that he keeps guns all over himself so gotta pat him down everywhere.. HAHA im gonna laugh when I say "Sir do you have anything on your person I should know about?"
HAHA... okay im a pervy dork sometimes.
well the other day i did some stuff for vivisect apparel and here ya go

HAHA... okay im a pervy dork sometimes.
well the other day i did some stuff for vivisect apparel and here ya go

Hilarious. Have some1 you like less walk ahead and sit up front as a shield.
And - obviously - YAYYY for crazy teachers! I guess there are always few in every student's life LOL