Hell city starts tomorrow!!! I won't be going until Saturday though. I'd really like to meet other Hopefuls, and SGs and fans. So if you're going say hey to me! I can't believe it came up so quick. Yesterday I was like damn its the 19th already.. hell city is this weekend, fuck yeah! So stoked.
In other news, I got that show I was worried about booked, made the flyer and everything. gave all my friends in memphis the heads up on it so it should be pretty bad ass.. to bad I'm not gonna be there lol!! one of my friends he's such a huge FF56 fan, and his birthday happens to fall on the show night! So I put a tiny little thing on the flyer for him lol. kinda a double incintive for people to go. Memphis is a small city.. everyone knows everyone so you can put something like that on a flyer and people will know who you're talking about lol.

In other news, I got that show I was worried about booked, made the flyer and everything. gave all my friends in memphis the heads up on it so it should be pretty bad ass.. to bad I'm not gonna be there lol!! one of my friends he's such a huge FF56 fan, and his birthday happens to fall on the show night! So I put a tiny little thing on the flyer for him lol. kinda a double incintive for people to go. Memphis is a small city.. everyone knows everyone so you can put something like that on a flyer and people will know who you're talking about lol.

Oh yes, you love it and I know.