So yay, today was awesome! The photoshoot was a lot of fun and getting to meet some of the ohio SGs. I'm not gonna say much about the theme of the shoot cause I want it to be a surprise. Oh lala! I accidently gave a crowd a free show though, and some kids were yelling stuff I was like.. omg lol. But they were very far off so I doubt they saw a whole hell of a lot either way it was pretty funny. I dont really embarrass too terribly easy.
I had to pick my son up from the sitters early, poor babe was running a fever!! He's okay now his fever broke and he's sleeping. His dad plans on coming up here next month. Kinda weird, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't think he was still a total dollbaby. But now I think of him more like a brother! Ha.
Back to work tomorrow, and school monday. Hell City is coming up soon! I'm gonna be there on Saturday!
I had to pick my son up from the sitters early, poor babe was running a fever!! He's okay now his fever broke and he's sleeping. His dad plans on coming up here next month. Kinda weird, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't think he was still a total dollbaby. But now I think of him more like a brother! Ha.
Back to work tomorrow, and school monday. Hell City is coming up soon! I'm gonna be there on Saturday!
You're welcome! That was pretty ridiculous! I can't believe ignoring them worked! You're set came out adorable though, so it was worth it!! 

Oh and I noticed above that you replied to someone's comment. The way that works on sg is a little different than fb and stuff... If u want to reply to a comment someone leaves you, click on their picture and reply as a comment on their blog... (hope that makes sense)... If you have no idea what I'm talking about, let me know and I'll explain better!