My sister asked me to housesit for her for the last few days, so I've been away from the land of the troglodytes> Thank fuck. Unfortunately, I work for a special school that deals with kids on the verge of social exclusion. They get kicked out of school and we are they're last hope of an education. I handle the admin.
Anyway there's this kid who I met about ten days ago. He asked me about my tatts and I was friendly and talked about them openly. He was fine. Apparently though, he's the class clown, has to have attention ALL the time. He was the only kid in the class that day, but ever since, now that he has his classmates with him, every time I walk into the room, he says, "Here's that cunt!". And his classmates think he's hilarious. Yes, it's like Oscar Wilde was reincarnated. I feel so priviliged. I don't know where he gets off, he looks like a fucking Maris Piper in a shellsuit. It just sums up my life at the moment, it's dominated by ignorant, obnoxious teenagers.
Are there any cheap desert islands going (that aren't going to be submerged by global warming that is)?
On a positive note, the new Opeth album fucking rocks. They're sheer class, the best band since Led Zeppelin (and I don't say that lightly!).
I'm hanging on, though sometimes I feel like I'm having a nervous breakdown (and my football team playing like a pack of idiots too!) Oh well, there's always 'Young Frankenstein' ("That's FRONK-en-STEEN!)
I'm off to find my Frau Blucher (neigh).
Laterz potaterz.
Anyway there's this kid who I met about ten days ago. He asked me about my tatts and I was friendly and talked about them openly. He was fine. Apparently though, he's the class clown, has to have attention ALL the time. He was the only kid in the class that day, but ever since, now that he has his classmates with him, every time I walk into the room, he says, "Here's that cunt!". And his classmates think he's hilarious. Yes, it's like Oscar Wilde was reincarnated. I feel so priviliged. I don't know where he gets off, he looks like a fucking Maris Piper in a shellsuit. It just sums up my life at the moment, it's dominated by ignorant, obnoxious teenagers.
Are there any cheap desert islands going (that aren't going to be submerged by global warming that is)?
On a positive note, the new Opeth album fucking rocks. They're sheer class, the best band since Led Zeppelin (and I don't say that lightly!).
I'm hanging on, though sometimes I feel like I'm having a nervous breakdown (and my football team playing like a pack of idiots too!) Oh well, there's always 'Young Frankenstein' ("That's FRONK-en-STEEN!)
I'm off to find my Frau Blucher (neigh).
Laterz potaterz.

i based a lot of thing of my life, in his words.