Bernard, look, look Bernard, look, Bernard, Bernard, Bernard, Bernard look, look, look Bernard, Bernard, Bernard, look Bernard...
I'm back from "How the fuck are doing DoningTOOOOOOOOOOON!"
I saw Black Sabbath, I saw Black Sabbath! Yah suck it up cos they rocked like a motherfucker on a rocking chair with really bad flatulence! i.e. a fair deal.
They must be lying Ozzy's age. And he cannot be the same embarrassingly incompetent guy from the TV show can he?
Ozzy, I genuinely love you, and if I ever meet you, I will completely gush over you about Saturday night (though not in a sex way obviously
On other subjects: who fuckin kidnapped Slash? First his hat now him?! Whoever that was soloing towards the end was out of tune, and THEN, his solo in 'Wish You Were Here' was out of kilter with the rest of the band. And I get the impression Weiland doesn't like people very much. If at all.
Now I'm going to have a rant. Bear with me. Metal Hammer and an article or a picture of HIM for about 15 months straight. Every. Single. Last. Issue. They rave about HIM, and as they've turned me on to some fantastic bands in the last 2 or 3 years, I thought I'd give them a go. I heard 2 or 3 songs and wasn't enamoured but I was still willing to give them a go.
So they come out and play a dull song and at the end Ville complains about being bottled. He says, "That is actually blasphemy (!) because Ozzy will be on this very stage later tonight. And there is a direct line from Sabbath to ourselves."
What an arrogant wanker. What a complete cunt. His music can be best described as Power Pop, and if you like that sort of thing it's fine. But to say you've as good as extended the Sabbath pantheon so to speak is breathtaking. And utterly self-deluded. But then he does have magazines and teenyboppers telling him he's the best thing since sliced bread ALL THE TIME.
I cannot believe I missed Lamb of God to see this self-absorbed bollocks.
Worst incident of the week was undoubtedly the moment that I realised that I'd lost
Benni during Mastodon's set. I was unbelievably upset. Admittedly it was the SG badge of her, but it had a symbolic resonance that suggested that, well, that I'd drunk too much!!! But yes she's gone, trampled underfoot during Motorhead's set. Sob!!!
I'm back from "How the fuck are doing DoningTOOOOOOOOOOON!"
I saw Black Sabbath, I saw Black Sabbath! Yah suck it up cos they rocked like a motherfucker on a rocking chair with really bad flatulence! i.e. a fair deal.
They must be lying Ozzy's age. And he cannot be the same embarrassingly incompetent guy from the TV show can he?
Ozzy, I genuinely love you, and if I ever meet you, I will completely gush over you about Saturday night (though not in a sex way obviously
On other subjects: who fuckin kidnapped Slash? First his hat now him?! Whoever that was soloing towards the end was out of tune, and THEN, his solo in 'Wish You Were Here' was out of kilter with the rest of the band. And I get the impression Weiland doesn't like people very much. If at all.
Now I'm going to have a rant. Bear with me. Metal Hammer and an article or a picture of HIM for about 15 months straight. Every. Single. Last. Issue. They rave about HIM, and as they've turned me on to some fantastic bands in the last 2 or 3 years, I thought I'd give them a go. I heard 2 or 3 songs and wasn't enamoured but I was still willing to give them a go.
So they come out and play a dull song and at the end Ville complains about being bottled. He says, "That is actually blasphemy (!) because Ozzy will be on this very stage later tonight. And there is a direct line from Sabbath to ourselves."
What an arrogant wanker. What a complete cunt. His music can be best described as Power Pop, and if you like that sort of thing it's fine. But to say you've as good as extended the Sabbath pantheon so to speak is breathtaking. And utterly self-deluded. But then he does have magazines and teenyboppers telling him he's the best thing since sliced bread ALL THE TIME.
I cannot believe I missed Lamb of God to see this self-absorbed bollocks.
Worst incident of the week was undoubtedly the moment that I realised that I'd lost
Benni during Mastodon's set. I was unbelievably upset. Admittedly it was the SG badge of her, but it had a symbolic resonance that suggested that, well, that I'd drunk too much!!! But yes she's gone, trampled underfoot during Motorhead's set. Sob!!!
I would die to see Sabbath, Motorhead and Mastodon live, lucky you! Poor Benni hehe. It's like in "Castaway" when Wilson falls off of Tom Hank's raft haha.
i like that, very nice alliteration (i'm picturing it with an accent hehe)