they say the best place to start is at the beggining.
that would take to long. how about some stream of conciouness hmmm??
to bad .
deal like a muffin clad apiration drowing in a pool.
a slightly modified man in a strap-less shirt singing "praise the aluminum". a cunundrum?
ill take two. one for me , and one for you.
a paradox ~ smithing me to become liquid. an empty stomach filled with flies....flies that taste like margarin, an drive circles in my vertigo head. its breathless...all aphixiating. the embracement of chocies. the congures of opinions. the footise beneath the sheets when were asleep an our bodys take control,. the piggies they play an love as we should. as we could. as we do.
the dusk is sooner then the the last days of summer will mean .
an be mean it is; as the darkenss an lack of light luster taste unpresecedended an slowly ephinat our minds in a clouded sith way.
im a dehyrated fountain that wants to cry, just to feel the cracks of its cemnet filled one last time.
im whole again, or will be as soon as the giant turbines set foot on stolen ground.
ya ta heiy
im a wreck of nervous systems.
a splitment of endings that connect an feel more so then the single pairs that once were there.
ha ha ha . im a mutant.
~ i run through the memories ;an i walk through the good ones; an stroll through the bittersweet; an hold hands with her. ...allways holding hands. teh gemtlest touch of a fae...of a fae...of a fae....the grounding nature of the sharpened sword strikes my fetted heart.
afellstead apporaches with its fiery hooves an whiplashed mane, an carries us to my future......our a shard of crsytaline perfection, a hug worth a thousands worlds. and the kiss that folows......
21 days.
that would take to long. how about some stream of conciouness hmmm??
to bad .
deal like a muffin clad apiration drowing in a pool.
a slightly modified man in a strap-less shirt singing "praise the aluminum". a cunundrum?
ill take two. one for me , and one for you.
a paradox ~ smithing me to become liquid. an empty stomach filled with flies....flies that taste like margarin, an drive circles in my vertigo head. its breathless...all aphixiating. the embracement of chocies. the congures of opinions. the footise beneath the sheets when were asleep an our bodys take control,. the piggies they play an love as we should. as we could. as we do.
the dusk is sooner then the the last days of summer will mean .
an be mean it is; as the darkenss an lack of light luster taste unpresecedended an slowly ephinat our minds in a clouded sith way.
im a dehyrated fountain that wants to cry, just to feel the cracks of its cemnet filled one last time.
im whole again, or will be as soon as the giant turbines set foot on stolen ground.
ya ta heiy
im a wreck of nervous systems.
a splitment of endings that connect an feel more so then the single pairs that once were there.
ha ha ha . im a mutant.
~ i run through the memories ;an i walk through the good ones; an stroll through the bittersweet; an hold hands with her. ...allways holding hands. teh gemtlest touch of a fae...of a fae...of a fae....the grounding nature of the sharpened sword strikes my fetted heart.
afellstead apporaches with its fiery hooves an whiplashed mane, an carries us to my future......our a shard of crsytaline perfection, a hug worth a thousands worlds. and the kiss that folows......
21 days.

love you plain and simple
