ok its that time of the month, an for some of you it sounds really bad
( you know who you are, an if you do, you can have all my love an support) i bet a lot of you woman (girls too ) out there didnt know that guys have what we call "pm'n days" too, yeah about every six weeks or so ( changes depending on the guy) we go through with epih' nising days; an we get our food cravings; an get all emotional an hind-sighty, an blah blah balh balh...but of course we dont get the cramps, or abdominal pain, nor the regurjatate feeling in our thoats...so yeah, no comparriosn. sorry i brought it up. in lighter news, life is going in great twirl de whril of a dirrection.
girls are once again GREAT! as if you ladies ever werent, jus when one knockS my sox off i begin to realsie why i have a penis an A urgency to go an do anyhting this girl asks of me. ANYTHING you hear that "miss u know who"?
anyway my buds tell me go on "myspace" so i did an while some of my best friends in real life are there its just not the sg commute. fixed my pressure hose (aka power steerring switch -nozzle an rear struts this week, finnaly finished installin the nitro express system in nelsons chevy. my friend got his 58 mercury turnpike cruiser( ugly in my opinion, but im jaded by fords anyway), realised that my 14 year old dog an best mate travis is getting old, an might pass soon...hard thing to except, so im not excepting it
got a letter. a specail letter. an relaised that holy shit pattys day /granpappys bday is commin up! i love being irish! ok so not much happened, oh i sold a piece,an did a great presentation for teh historical society of america. all is all, but spring is here an love is in the air

girls are once again GREAT! as if you ladies ever werent, jus when one knockS my sox off i begin to realsie why i have a penis an A urgency to go an do anyhting this girl asks of me. ANYTHING you hear that "miss u know who"?
