hi everyone! work is over until next friday again........an um......garden state the movie is pretty good. i heard that this jap-rockabilly-group i like called Guitar Wolf is in town soon so im stoked to go see tehm, they were in this obscure movie i saw about aliens zombies rocakabillys a n fore breather hot rods called Wild zero, so yeah it was crush at first sight...for teh music anyway. this random girl asked me out last night, i had never seen her before, but shes swears she knew me, so i said sure why not! she was cute an charming an seemed sweet....note the seemed
sweet part. so we went to this pub in los feliz called teh big foot lodge( i know sounds like a gay bar to me too, but its an old fart joint) an its cool ,turns out she was in my illustration class back in art school , na she saw me naked there ( we all had to pose for teh class at one point ) yeah so you can suspect hat i was a lil embarrased....anyway, she talked an talked an talked an talked an talked ( which ladies, i do really enjoy i love conversation even when im not alowed toay much beyond just listening listing, but ths gril was ala june parle parle un KOO-KOO!!!!!!
-turns out she wasnt on her meds an had been trying to get a hold of me for a month or so.....she admitting to stalking me ( i was flatttered though
) an asked if would you know
her...yeah .............NO Ricahrd i did not, christina you too! i walked her to her car an said it was nice seeing you again, an i would love to have coffee or go bowling , an you drive safe in this rain good night,na hugged her...end of night. she called my best bud rob 7 times that night demanding to get my home number luckily for me hes smart about such chicks(ladies) an told her to calm down an sleep well......ok time to go, ppl cummin over for obscure movie night vol 4! you guys should come over its fun!