ok i m back (again) i finnaly came to a lot of relisations ( oh an yeah im still single an just as cute an charming as i ever was)
( ok that was my ego, as you can tell it didnt get any bigger........no sexual puns intended
) so im sorry for the huge gap since i was last on.
V-day was cool,i ate with single friends!
i have been drawing an painting like crazy!
an blackhoodie has been taking up my time with computers
but hes a good guy non the less, um..hmm.... i went out with this girl on friday ,shes a few years older then me (35), it was supposed to be a friendly thing but...well im a scorpio! so yeah .......WE JUST KISSED!
so dont worry, she lives in nebraska or something. i will never see her again.
on the work side, im pin stripping a hot rod for robert williams -the choppers crew pretty soon, i think next monday. i might be getting promotion this week at WOrk work an well........ i suppose ill fill you all in when ,an if , i get any replys to this

V-day was cool,i ate with single friends!
i have been drawing an painting like crazy!
an blackhoodie has been taking up my time with computers

so dont worry, she lives in nebraska or something. i will never see her again.
on the work side, im pin stripping a hot rod for robert williams -the choppers crew pretty soon, i think next monday. i might be getting promotion this week at WOrk work an well........ i suppose ill fill you all in when ,an if , i get any replys to this

im like permasingle/ugly etc
im alrite
aside from... being lonely
and bored as fuck. lol
least i get the place to myself for a nite lmao
thx for teh checkup!