mmm...let me put this newcastle down for a minute an start typing away.
obviously i made it back from Vegas. thanks again to all you who wished me happy b-day for it.
an those who couldnt come with us....i dont know if you were lucky or if you missed out. an what happens in vegas, should stay in vegas, but that would'nt be a very compelling story now would it?
i won 1,700$, that was cool. then we went to the vip room an i won another 1,200$ an we got bumbed up in our room an given two. yeah the bellagio is awesome. come on TWO person showers!!!!!!!!!!!!
damn. ok so i drank alot! an alot!
an i danced at studio 54 an this girl kept vigorously asking for my # so i gave her the old room number, i think she was a skank. this other girl i danced with was from kansass an she kissed me for being a good dancer! yeah me.
i mean i know im good but damn. that was all the sex i got
thats not why i went there anyway. my one friend went with his grilfriend to some place called the chicken ranch or something, which i found out is the best legal "brothel" in nevada,so they were gone all day, good riddance they werent much fun anyway.
an dave ,lisa, myself an nanthan ( my cousin) partied about a thousand dollars away.
it was a blast.... except when i woke up to dave (best bud for about 15 years) an lisa a good frind for about 6 years getting super craxy on the couch in our sweet, but thats another story all together.
today i went to the barber ( the real barber) got my face all steamed up an massaged by someone my grandpa helped out in WW2, bizaree just how small of a world it is. i got my first staright edge shave, an man i tell you thats a good shave, an i got my new phone those that need it ( the #) ill etc..etc...soon.its verizon so if you have verizon i can talk for free . i got 1000 minutes anyway, an a cool newphone.
oh one final note all the money i brought back i spent on tools that got stolen out of my car that i left at my friends house on his street. bastards, better hope an pray that i dont find them....they even jacked my tail lenses too. fucking things are hard to find for a 53'.never mess with another man/womans car.
its rule number 3 right after lover an child.
fuck heads.
good night everyone im off to the pub.
so have a happy happy gobble day.
an eat an enjoy! feel free to call me up
love ya ,me mates!
obviously i made it back from Vegas. thanks again to all you who wished me happy b-day for it.
an those who couldnt come with us....i dont know if you were lucky or if you missed out. an what happens in vegas, should stay in vegas, but that would'nt be a very compelling story now would it?
i won 1,700$, that was cool. then we went to the vip room an i won another 1,200$ an we got bumbed up in our room an given two. yeah the bellagio is awesome. come on TWO person showers!!!!!!!!!!!!

an i danced at studio 54 an this girl kept vigorously asking for my # so i gave her the old room number, i think she was a skank. this other girl i danced with was from kansass an she kissed me for being a good dancer! yeah me.
i mean i know im good but damn. that was all the sex i got

an dave ,lisa, myself an nanthan ( my cousin) partied about a thousand dollars away.
it was a blast.... except when i woke up to dave (best bud for about 15 years) an lisa a good frind for about 6 years getting super craxy on the couch in our sweet, but thats another story all together.
today i went to the barber ( the real barber) got my face all steamed up an massaged by someone my grandpa helped out in WW2, bizaree just how small of a world it is. i got my first staright edge shave, an man i tell you thats a good shave, an i got my new phone those that need it ( the #) ill etc..etc...soon.its verizon so if you have verizon i can talk for free . i got 1000 minutes anyway, an a cool newphone.
oh one final note all the money i brought back i spent on tools that got stolen out of my car that i left at my friends house on his street. bastards, better hope an pray that i dont find them....they even jacked my tail lenses too. fucking things are hard to find for a 53'.never mess with another man/womans car.
its rule number 3 right after lover an child.
fuck heads.
good night everyone im off to the pub.
so have a happy happy gobble day.
an eat an enjoy! feel free to call me up
love ya ,me mates!

and then some. Later old man.