~ tommorw is teh day of recokinginginging. my bros an a few hoes ( hahahaha dave i called your girl friend an her friends hoes) are leaving for a vegas trip, actualy im just waiting for teh car to go beep beep an were of to the airport.
yep tonight at 12-midninght i turn an other year older an i will be so parteid an blitzed that ill proabbly go home tih soem random girl an get murdered----or ill probably just pass out an wonder why my ass hurts, eiather way! im excited!
i havent doen a whole ot for my birthdays in long while like 5 years so this shouldbe a good one
laters all
kiss kisskiisskiisskisksisks
toi al of you
i, should be back here tomootrw night as i haev to be at work at 5am friday morning
yep tonight at 12-midninght i turn an other year older an i will be so parteid an blitzed that ill proabbly go home tih soem random girl an get murdered----or ill probably just pass out an wonder why my ass hurts, eiather way! im excited!
i havent doen a whole ot for my birthdays in long while like 5 years so this shouldbe a good one
laters all
kiss kisskiisskiisskisksisks
toi al of you
i, should be back here tomootrw night as i haev to be at work at 5am friday morning

your number is not working either!