Wasnt that fun. Lets all give my beautiful girlfriend a hi five for leaving a really awesome journal. lunna

ok wow!
i am in LOVE.
on another tangent, i miss all of you

heres to all my ...er...OUR supporters.

i found this picture from highschool...have i really changed this much?

i didnt think so either!
all you gilrs need to go to this thread= pretty girls
if you won one of my contests you will get them in less then a week.
getty gallery was fun!
sold 16 prints at $$$$$$$$ each!
anywa im keeping this short so i can go around an answer all you journals!
lunna i love you awww.................

heres a monkey for you

oh an i found this on the moon:

i found this on the sun:
(be careful ... its a hot one)
After getting two more dental fillings (With four more to go!) installed I headed for the beach and scored BIG on the GI Joe front.
Found the Cobra 6-Pack's for sale and bought three sets, also saw some re-use of the vintage Rattler, and Conquest airplane molds, as well as the 1987 Mobile Command Center sets.
It seems like the rekindled interest is in full swing.
I am in total shock and awe with the Infantry 6-Pack remold's of the old Cobra Officer and Soldier's with added details such as rank insignia and more.
Pity they come with such tragic weapons.
Also grabbed the Snake Eyes, Duke, Cobra COmmander set that has the Spy Troops movie. It rocked!!!
I love my interest in this stuff!
Almost makes the dental fillings healing in seem tame.
I am into the idea of the Cobra emblem tattoo again.
-Sean the Firefly