Recklessness an blazing passion succumb my every move.
the gentlelest motion of my feet stir up constant danger,like dust to air.
lights zip past my periphial like swarming bees waiting to sting.
the atmosphere surronds me an closes in.
i am agro...
i am ostero-piphoules africanus,an a starving grey hound bracing for flight.
it stirkes
an i feel the impact of a thousands suns imploding at my realese of breath
the crick cracking of slipintered bone echos in my coersive carcass
i lash out in retribution
pure rhetoric follows each inclosed pierce.
an the reign of crimson molecules over flows
painting my skin
an staining my cotton.
i am an anomaton
a walking dream
ok i edited an everyhting that ppl wrote went away?????????
i guess youll all just have top resost
an if anyone has this please sell it to me! i cant find it anywhere?????
the gentlelest motion of my feet stir up constant danger,like dust to air.
lights zip past my periphial like swarming bees waiting to sting.
the atmosphere surronds me an closes in.
i am agro...
i am ostero-piphoules africanus,an a starving grey hound bracing for flight.
it stirkes
an i feel the impact of a thousands suns imploding at my realese of breath
the crick cracking of slipintered bone echos in my coersive carcass
i lash out in retribution
pure rhetoric follows each inclosed pierce.
an the reign of crimson molecules over flows
painting my skin
an staining my cotton.
i am an anomaton
a walking dream

ok i edited an everyhting that ppl wrote went away?????????

i guess youll all just have top resost

an if anyone has this please sell it to me! i cant find it anywhere?????
(and when does the show actually take place?)