Aww so all good things must come to an end.... That was such an awesome holiday.. You know how it is though - a holiday is never long enough. I am so sad it's over
I took heaps of pics.. I can't be bothered resizing them all though..
So here was our ride for the 5 days:

A new Dodge Nitro... was a pretty nice car.. got heaps of attention, but I don't think it was as nice to drive as we expected. (Pictured with my 'other ride', hehehehehe
Our little 'cottage' in Maleny was reasonably nice... Not nearly as nice as the cabins we stayed at in Montville last time we went away, but quite livable. The 'king size bed' was two singles pushed together!! How dodgy is that!!?! So annoying.... Oh well. We got choccies and port on arrival

There was so many pretty flowers scattered around inside... They were straight from the gardens outside.
We enjoyed a drink outside on Wednesday night after dinner at a cute little Italian restaurant in town after relaxing in our cottage for most of the afternoon...We made a little froggy friend, he was so cute....

Thursday was a perfect day for what we did; cold and rainy and sooo good for just lying around and relaxing. We had brekky in Montville (blueberry pancakes with ice cream), followed by an hour and a half in-house massage, which was just amazing. We had a bit of a nap before heading into Noosa for dinner at our favourite place, Heg's Broth Cafe. In Noosa I also picked up my first Ed Hardy shirt (which I am so in love with) and saw another sandcastle on the beach (just like last time we were there!) It was juuuust magical... I love castles

We had a wander along the beach for a while to walk off dinner. It was lovely... so cool and fresh.. Then we both covered ourselves in icecream, hehe, and made our way back to Maleny via the scenic route....
Friday we woke up late to beautifully sunny skies.... and decided to go for a picnic somewhere. Leoz decided to take me on a bushwalk in Mary Cairncross Park, which turned out to be very short lived as it was a tad muddy and I had no shoes to walk in

We then headed out for another short drive to find a picnic destination, which we found just a few k's down the road. The views were beautiful. Oh how I loved the view.. just... stunning..... And the air was so crisp and clean and beautiful...

That night Leo decided to take some photos..

Saturday morning and it was all just about over... We checked out early and headed into Maroochydore in search of a pair of shoes so I could go bushwalking, lol. Man, it was so busy in the shops. Lucky we found some fairly quickly... I am so in love with these shoes dammit, hehe. I reckon I am going to wear them to pieces.
So after that we went for a drive up to Eumundi to have a look at their famous markets... OMG, they were the best markets I have ever seen!! Soooo many stalls, they just seem to go on forever.. I think we were there for about 2 hoursish? And even at two hours we didn't get time to walk around the whole place.. It was getting pretty hot in the sun and we would have been boiled if we had stayed any longer without sunscreen.
That done we decided to head home. But nooo, not without stopping for a bushwalk up a mountain of course!! My new shoes came in handy and I discovered how unfit I am
Luck I had Leo to push my bum up the hill most of the way
On the way up I found some killerpillers having cuddles 

I was soo stuffed when I reached the top, but the view was awesome, and the breeze was sooo cooling.

Was a bit sad though.. in all our travels we barely saw any wildlife... there just doesn't seem to be much around any more.. Oh well, I thought they had probably all gone away for easter :shrugs:
Not to mention how Leoz accidentally managed to go four wheel driving. The after shot:

Hehehe, he is such a dirty bugger
I love him so much
........ He also fixed my car for me today.. heehee.. I am so lucky... he is so awesome.... 
So now it's alll over.... Tomorrow I have to go back to work....

Oh well, there is always next time I guess

I took heaps of pics.. I can't be bothered resizing them all though..
So here was our ride for the 5 days:

A new Dodge Nitro... was a pretty nice car.. got heaps of attention, but I don't think it was as nice to drive as we expected. (Pictured with my 'other ride', hehehehehe

Our little 'cottage' in Maleny was reasonably nice... Not nearly as nice as the cabins we stayed at in Montville last time we went away, but quite livable. The 'king size bed' was two singles pushed together!! How dodgy is that!!?! So annoying.... Oh well. We got choccies and port on arrival

There was so many pretty flowers scattered around inside... They were straight from the gardens outside.

We enjoyed a drink outside on Wednesday night after dinner at a cute little Italian restaurant in town after relaxing in our cottage for most of the afternoon...We made a little froggy friend, he was so cute....

Thursday was a perfect day for what we did; cold and rainy and sooo good for just lying around and relaxing. We had brekky in Montville (blueberry pancakes with ice cream), followed by an hour and a half in-house massage, which was just amazing. We had a bit of a nap before heading into Noosa for dinner at our favourite place, Heg's Broth Cafe. In Noosa I also picked up my first Ed Hardy shirt (which I am so in love with) and saw another sandcastle on the beach (just like last time we were there!) It was juuuust magical... I love castles

We had a wander along the beach for a while to walk off dinner. It was lovely... so cool and fresh.. Then we both covered ourselves in icecream, hehe, and made our way back to Maleny via the scenic route....
Friday we woke up late to beautifully sunny skies.... and decided to go for a picnic somewhere. Leoz decided to take me on a bushwalk in Mary Cairncross Park, which turned out to be very short lived as it was a tad muddy and I had no shoes to walk in

We then headed out for another short drive to find a picnic destination, which we found just a few k's down the road. The views were beautiful. Oh how I loved the view.. just... stunning..... And the air was so crisp and clean and beautiful...

That night Leo decided to take some photos..

Saturday morning and it was all just about over... We checked out early and headed into Maroochydore in search of a pair of shoes so I could go bushwalking, lol. Man, it was so busy in the shops. Lucky we found some fairly quickly... I am so in love with these shoes dammit, hehe. I reckon I am going to wear them to pieces.

That done we decided to head home. But nooo, not without stopping for a bushwalk up a mountain of course!! My new shoes came in handy and I discovered how unfit I am

I was soo stuffed when I reached the top, but the view was awesome, and the breeze was sooo cooling.

Was a bit sad though.. in all our travels we barely saw any wildlife... there just doesn't seem to be much around any more.. Oh well, I thought they had probably all gone away for easter :shrugs:
Not to mention how Leoz accidentally managed to go four wheel driving. The after shot:

Hehehe, he is such a dirty bugger

So now it's alll over.... Tomorrow I have to go back to work....

Oh well, there is always next time I guess

i love couples holidays, they make me so smiley
yay for you both, la la la la laaaaaaaaa!
SGAU Dinner at Garuva - Thurs 17 April!!