Man, what another fucking day... I have never felt this drained in my life... The day just dragged, and dragged, and dragged...and it's my day off!!!! But boy, am I pissed... Why? Long story, but here goes. It may be petty and stupid, but seriously, don't give me this shit when I'm this fucking tired.
So I get home from work at 10.45 last night. As per usual, two people from my block of four units have their cars parked out the back. And as per usual again, Little Miss Fat Bitch Barina decides to park so far away from the first car in, so that a space that would usually easily fit 4 cars side by side, now will only fit 3 cars. Fifteen minutes and a 365 point turn later, I get my car in the space (reversed in, so I can actually get out). I was fuming - once again, it wouldn't normally bother me that much only I'd had a realllly fucking long day. Anyhoo I went inside and crashed out, looking more forward to my sleep in in the morning than you could possibly imagine.
7.15am - fucking door buzzer rings. I ignored it the first time, but the fuckers ring again - I was expecting some registered express mail so thought maybe it was the postman ringing twice, so I get up and answer the door. "Hello, it's a friend of LIttle Miss Fat Barina Bitch here. We parked our car outside last night and now we can't get out, can you please move your car??" I'm like "oh sure (taking a peak outside I see Little Miss Fat Barina bitches car still outside) but why don't you get your friend to move her Barina, cos that would make much more sense as you could just reverse back into her spot then drive straight out", which was replied with a "But Little Miss Fat Bitch Barina is sick with the flu in bed at the moment and we don't want to wake her up".
Seriously, are you fucking kidding me??? So you park your car in our yard, that is for TENANTS ONLY, you wake me up at 7am in the fucking morning to move MY CAR, when YOUR FRIEND could just as easily have moved her car, but poor fucking diddums is sick!! So fuming, again, I hurriedly put some clothes on, met them out the back, saying "Well if your friend hadn't parked so far over we would have had no problems fitting in a fourth car side by side and there would be no dramas with you getting your car out". Anyhoo, I moved my car (by doing a lap of the block) and came back to them still trying to get their car out of the driveway. 13 minutes it took them - you'd think they'd learn their lesson. So anyway, I ended up leaving my car on the street cos it took them so long to get out. By them I am wide awake, and cranky, so there was no chance of me getting back to sleep.
So I get home tonight - about 20 minutes ago (9.30pm) after another really fucking long day, and I am insanely tired, and in a terribly shitty mood. Funnily enough I follow these dickheads from this morning into the driveway (obviously Little Miss Fat Bitch Barina has given them her gate buzzer) and what do they fucking do????? They park right in the middle of the bit of space left out the back (where two cars would fit easily now if they moved over), so of course, there is no room left for me.... They saw me come in, they waved at me (apologizing for taking so long to do a reverse park I'm assuming). They proceed to switch off the motor, they get out of the car, and the fuckheads start walking up the stairs. So what do I do? I get out of my car, agitated of course, and start talking to them as they walk up the stairs. "Sorry, do you mind moving your car over so I can fit my car in??" The dude looks at me like I'm fucking stupid (hey, I may be sometimes, but he can get fucked this time), and says "Oh sorry, can't you just park where we parked last night?" and I'm like "No!! Cos you guys were stuck there this morning remember, and I wouldn't want to have to knock on your door at 7 in the morning to ask you to move your car... This is meant to be a tenants only car park, we are each allocated one park and at the moment you and your friend (pointing to the Barina) are currently taking up two spaces. Seriously mate, please can you just move your car over, I am so fucking tired right now." I was not being rude while I said this (for once), moreso I was bunging on the 'don't give me this shit right now I feel like I'm about to burst into tears'. So anyway, he replies with a "We're sorry, our friend is really sick, and there is nowhere else for us to park.. " to which I interrupted with "dude, there is so much on street parking available outside at the moment, and it is free until 7am..."
While this is happening the other people who had been in the car had already gone inside, but I could see them standing inside the door listening. I saw the dude started to go inside as well, so I went back to my car, moved it forward, so it was right in front of their car, and switched it off - with every intention of leaving it there for the night. Anyhoo, as I was unlocking my back door one of the girls came back downstairs and said she was sorry, she would move their car onto the street. So after another 15 minutes of us trying to manouvre our cars, I finally got my spot back.
Yes, *sighola* indeed.
I am fuckered..... 6 sleeps until a holiday
Man, what another fucking day... I have never felt this drained in my life... The day just dragged, and dragged, and dragged...and it's my day off!!!! But boy, am I pissed... Why? Long story, but here goes. It may be petty and stupid, but seriously, don't give me this shit when I'm this fucking tired.
So I get home from work at 10.45 last night. As per usual, two people from my block of four units have their cars parked out the back. And as per usual again, Little Miss Fat Bitch Barina decides to park so far away from the first car in, so that a space that would usually easily fit 4 cars side by side, now will only fit 3 cars. Fifteen minutes and a 365 point turn later, I get my car in the space (reversed in, so I can actually get out). I was fuming - once again, it wouldn't normally bother me that much only I'd had a realllly fucking long day. Anyhoo I went inside and crashed out, looking more forward to my sleep in in the morning than you could possibly imagine.
7.15am - fucking door buzzer rings. I ignored it the first time, but the fuckers ring again - I was expecting some registered express mail so thought maybe it was the postman ringing twice, so I get up and answer the door. "Hello, it's a friend of LIttle Miss Fat Barina Bitch here. We parked our car outside last night and now we can't get out, can you please move your car??" I'm like "oh sure (taking a peak outside I see Little Miss Fat Barina bitches car still outside) but why don't you get your friend to move her Barina, cos that would make much more sense as you could just reverse back into her spot then drive straight out", which was replied with a "But Little Miss Fat Bitch Barina is sick with the flu in bed at the moment and we don't want to wake her up".
Seriously, are you fucking kidding me??? So you park your car in our yard, that is for TENANTS ONLY, you wake me up at 7am in the fucking morning to move MY CAR, when YOUR FRIEND could just as easily have moved her car, but poor fucking diddums is sick!! So fuming, again, I hurriedly put some clothes on, met them out the back, saying "Well if your friend hadn't parked so far over we would have had no problems fitting in a fourth car side by side and there would be no dramas with you getting your car out". Anyhoo, I moved my car (by doing a lap of the block) and came back to them still trying to get their car out of the driveway. 13 minutes it took them - you'd think they'd learn their lesson. So anyway, I ended up leaving my car on the street cos it took them so long to get out. By them I am wide awake, and cranky, so there was no chance of me getting back to sleep.
So I get home tonight - about 20 minutes ago (9.30pm) after another really fucking long day, and I am insanely tired, and in a terribly shitty mood. Funnily enough I follow these dickheads from this morning into the driveway (obviously Little Miss Fat Bitch Barina has given them her gate buzzer) and what do they fucking do????? They park right in the middle of the bit of space left out the back (where two cars would fit easily now if they moved over), so of course, there is no room left for me.... They saw me come in, they waved at me (apologizing for taking so long to do a reverse park I'm assuming). They proceed to switch off the motor, they get out of the car, and the fuckheads start walking up the stairs. So what do I do? I get out of my car, agitated of course, and start talking to them as they walk up the stairs. "Sorry, do you mind moving your car over so I can fit my car in??" The dude looks at me like I'm fucking stupid (hey, I may be sometimes, but he can get fucked this time), and says "Oh sorry, can't you just park where we parked last night?" and I'm like "No!! Cos you guys were stuck there this morning remember, and I wouldn't want to have to knock on your door at 7 in the morning to ask you to move your car... This is meant to be a tenants only car park, we are each allocated one park and at the moment you and your friend (pointing to the Barina) are currently taking up two spaces. Seriously mate, please can you just move your car over, I am so fucking tired right now." I was not being rude while I said this (for once), moreso I was bunging on the 'don't give me this shit right now I feel like I'm about to burst into tears'. So anyway, he replies with a "We're sorry, our friend is really sick, and there is nowhere else for us to park.. " to which I interrupted with "dude, there is so much on street parking available outside at the moment, and it is free until 7am..."
While this is happening the other people who had been in the car had already gone inside, but I could see them standing inside the door listening. I saw the dude started to go inside as well, so I went back to my car, moved it forward, so it was right in front of their car, and switched it off - with every intention of leaving it there for the night. Anyhoo, as I was unlocking my back door one of the girls came back downstairs and said she was sorry, she would move their car onto the street. So after another 15 minutes of us trying to manouvre our cars, I finally got my spot back.
Yes, *sighola* indeed.
I am fuckered..... 6 sleeps until a holiday

hope you are feeling better!