SOOO yeah, back to my awesome birthday week which I have only just had a chance to talk about...
Had five days off over my birthday weekend. The first two I spent just chilling out and relaxing.. and cleaning and playing with ma kitty (OMG he is getting so big!).
The night before my birfday, I headed down the coast... Leoz took me out for steak dinner..mmmmmm.... was sooooo good..... I've never been a huge steak fan (cos noone ever gets it right!) until Leoz had taken me to Heg's Broth (hehe) a few weeks earlier.. but OMG their steaks are so damn good and cooked perfectly so that was and awesome pre-birthday dinner

My birthday the next day started oh so perfectly; waking up next to the most awesome person in the world

Dinner was at one of my favourite indian restaurant with my 6 closest buddies (Miss Kye was missing though

So during dinner came this:
Another surprise birthday thingy! Noone would even give me a clue, lol!
Dinner was awesomesome (yes that is now a word), so yum and lots of fun A few accidents nearly happened (lol) but noone lost an eye so it was all good! The ice cream cake was awesome, I still have no idea how it was sneaked in
Saturday I spent chilling out again (I did go somewhere but I can't remember where.... , then headed out for yet another dinner (work one this time) at Panchos.. mm.. I love Panchos.... headed back down the coast afterwards. We were gonna go on a picnic on Sunday up in the mountains somewhere but when we woke up it was all rainy and yuk, so instead we just mooched around the coast.... going to the markets, Pacific Fair and a heap of other places... was just so nice to relax and not have to be anywhere in a hurry and spend some time with my man.
The invitation to a second birthday surprise had me guessing for a week! I honestly had no idea...
It was an African dinner!!! So awesome There was a jungle (that must have taken ages to put up lol) ... it was so cool... and African food... and Daft Punk .. and cactuses.... and monkeys
There was a pin the tail on the zebra, but we didn't get time to play
And the lions were beautiful
And OMG freaky orphan babies from pass the parcel. He had a name but I forgotted Noone wanted to adopt him in fear he would give them nightmares. He smelt funny... hehehe
Miss Anepiphany cooked an awesome dinner - Ratatouie, awesome potato bake and roast chicken, was sooo nyum..... But it was all over too soon.... Was lots of fun.. noone had ever made me a dinner before.. I have awesome friends
And that was it... my awesome birthday week... Best one ever
Canada is definitely teh awesomeness! Sooo much better than stinky Brisbane heat. We definitely need to meet up when I get back (not sure when exactly that will be just yet).
I've been trying to catch you online to see how you are. I hope you're well and that life is treating you kindly.
I'm glad your birthday was marvellous. I had a lot of fun celebrating with you! And that baby.. is creepy and awesome!
Must catch up soon.