So I've decided that for my birthday in January I'm going to get a kitty
I'm so excited! 

I'm taking 5 days off work over my birthday weekend to fix everything up....
This sort:
He'll be a Devon Rex
I'm not sure what colour he/she will be - it depends on what I can find available at the time. Have a list of names so far, but I'll have to wait to meet him/her to know for sure what their name is gonna be.. Some I've come up with are Cleo (Cleopatra), Pixie, Pepper and Cosmo...
I'm gonna have to put screens on the windows (cos i have the old type of shutter windows or whatever you call them) so he can have some air during the day, so he can't jump out the windows and so my house doesn't get all stinky. I wonder how much it will cost to have two screens installed on my back windows??... I will try asking the real estate first (with my excuse being that the mozzies eat me alive) then failing that I'll see what else we can do.
Weee, I'm so excited
Started my Christmas shopping today, and got about 1/3 of it done. God i HATE shopping centres at Christmas...
Although once I went back outside to my car I just about died from the heat and wished I was back inside again.
I hate summer, It makes me hot and cranky and slightly crazy. And excessively horny for some reason
My poor boy will be worn out by the end of January, I swear to god....
doo da doo
I can't wait for my days off over Christmas and New Years.. It will be so awesome to have a few days to spend relaxing with my family, friends and my boy. Work has been a pain in the ass for the last few weeks, with me working 50+hrs a week, stock take being on, and Helene being a downright bitch to me for the past month. I am really beginning to feel like I need a holiday.
Speaking of holidays, it has been decided on to go to Melbourne at the end of May next years for about 4 days. So far on the list of things to do: the Melbourne Zoo (definite), a trip down the Great Ocean Road (maybe), a trip to "the markets" (whichever ones are the best I dunno).. What else is there to do in Melbourne? Tell me!!

This sort:

He'll be a Devon Rex

I'm gonna have to put screens on the windows (cos i have the old type of shutter windows or whatever you call them) so he can have some air during the day, so he can't jump out the windows and so my house doesn't get all stinky. I wonder how much it will cost to have two screens installed on my back windows??... I will try asking the real estate first (with my excuse being that the mozzies eat me alive) then failing that I'll see what else we can do.
Weee, I'm so excited

Started my Christmas shopping today, and got about 1/3 of it done. God i HATE shopping centres at Christmas...

I can't wait for my days off over Christmas and New Years.. It will be so awesome to have a few days to spend relaxing with my family, friends and my boy. Work has been a pain in the ass for the last few weeks, with me working 50+hrs a week, stock take being on, and Helene being a downright bitch to me for the past month. I am really beginning to feel like I need a holiday.
Speaking of holidays, it has been decided on to go to Melbourne at the end of May next years for about 4 days. So far on the list of things to do: the Melbourne Zoo (definite), a trip down the Great Ocean Road (maybe), a trip to "the markets" (whichever ones are the best I dunno).. What else is there to do in Melbourne? Tell me!!
Chicken Treat is weird.
Now sweets. I'm back researching white ink. Care to share with me your thoughts as I know you looked into it lots too?
(researching means making a booking by the end of the year. Need new ink)
Is today the day?
Kitty Day?!
If so, good luck. I'm so thrilled for you!