So glad that Miss Kye is back from Perth, things were a bit boring for a week or so with Miss Lelaina in the US (damn, she got to meet Steven Tyler!!), Miss Allure in the UK and Miss Reshizzle being busy with work and stuffs...
My sister moves to Macleay Island this weekend.... So for the next however many years she will be marooned far, far away from me Christmas this year will be at her place which will be nice
Speaking of Christmas, because of the fall of the public holidays and my RDO's this year, I am lucky enough to get 3 days off over Christmas and 3 days off over new years!! Yay, so excited
Yes, still looking for new person to live here - once again let me know if you may know of anyone who might be interested...Im in the valley.. Rent is $140 plus elec/net/phone
&hearts &hearts &hearts &hearts &hearts &hearts
So yesterday was interesting to say the least... A mixture of family frustrations, shiatsu ouchiness and flat car batteries made for quite the exhausting day. This is not particularly interesting, it just tells my two days off in fine detail....
And I missed you lots. True story. Bucketloads.
For the record, I hate traffic. I would have cried with no music.
As for the sunset thing, I was with company and tried really hard to keep everything inside. Which, I did okay with. Like, my eyes were hazy, but I didn't cry.
I felt so alive.
As for Christmas/New Year break, I'm stealing you for one of your days off. Uh-huh. I'm thinking cheese. Air conditioning and cheese. A bottle of bubbly?
love you.