After a week full of ups and downs and a pretty crappy day today I'm feeling pretty..... bleh.....
This a long boring journal, just me blabbing crap cos I have nothing better to do, lol.
This a long boring journal, just me blabbing crap cos I have nothing better to do, lol.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I can't believe Nic has finally gone
I am gonna miss her like crazy, but I know she's gonna have an awesome time so I'm so happy for her, and my thoughts will be with her and Mok the whole way
I know a year will fly, but at the moment it just seems way too far away....
The store was dead as a doornail today, but I had a lot of tedious preparation to do for this weekends 'Outdoor Expo', and I felt so unmotivated today for some reason. This weekend will be totally and utterly exhausting. Had one too many people abuse me today; the 2IC was completely weighed down all day so I took on as much crap for her as I could. It proved to myself I am definitely not ready to take on the 2IC's job just yet, haha, as much as I thought I could. One day of it was just too much for me.
I came home from work to a kitchen covered in jelly shooter making crap. Red cordial has stained the white laminate benchtop, and there was sticky jelly crap spilled all through my fridge. Not to mention the rest of the crap meant I had to do a total clean up before I could even make dinner. So NOT how I wanted to end my day. This girl is starting to really annoy me now.
Once one major thing annoys me, every little thing she does after will annoy the hell outta me, no matter how small it is....hahaha
Am seriously dreading the party tomorrow night; I had considered calling it off altogether for a while today just so I could stop worrying about it, but then I thought that would be a really mean thing to do. I keep thinking back to the last party I had at my last place - there was only about 30 people there (it was a three bedroom house with a massive kitchen and backyard), and my house got totally trashed. Luckily my last housemate pretty much replaced everything that was broken and cleaned it up too... but I am really scared of what 50 people are going to do in a place as small as this.... Makes me nervous just thinking about it.
It's hot already
I hate summer... It makes me feel like shit. I am so glad I have aircon now - I don't think I could survive in this little hot-house without it. My fringe is finally long enough to pin back - kind of, lol. I forgot how much cooler it is to not have a fringe, I think my body temperature dropped around 20 degrees juts by putting all my hair back, hehe
My computer is annoying me with it's stupid lagging. Even the music is skipping and being shitty cos of it
I hate getting half way through a sentence then realise none of it has actually typed.
I only just remembered how much I love Daft Punk
I wonder if Muse tickets are one sale yet??
I can't wait for September to be over, and I can start saving properly. The only things I need to pay for between now and then is my new bed (which I ordered last week) and my rego next month.. then it's all or nothing pretty much. I'm so excited
I want ice cream
I have become addicted to Facebook!! Where else can you throw dirty pubes at someone
Myspace is so old-hat now
I can't believe Nic has finally gone

The store was dead as a doornail today, but I had a lot of tedious preparation to do for this weekends 'Outdoor Expo', and I felt so unmotivated today for some reason. This weekend will be totally and utterly exhausting. Had one too many people abuse me today; the 2IC was completely weighed down all day so I took on as much crap for her as I could. It proved to myself I am definitely not ready to take on the 2IC's job just yet, haha, as much as I thought I could. One day of it was just too much for me.

I came home from work to a kitchen covered in jelly shooter making crap. Red cordial has stained the white laminate benchtop, and there was sticky jelly crap spilled all through my fridge. Not to mention the rest of the crap meant I had to do a total clean up before I could even make dinner. So NOT how I wanted to end my day. This girl is starting to really annoy me now.

Am seriously dreading the party tomorrow night; I had considered calling it off altogether for a while today just so I could stop worrying about it, but then I thought that would be a really mean thing to do. I keep thinking back to the last party I had at my last place - there was only about 30 people there (it was a three bedroom house with a massive kitchen and backyard), and my house got totally trashed. Luckily my last housemate pretty much replaced everything that was broken and cleaned it up too... but I am really scared of what 50 people are going to do in a place as small as this.... Makes me nervous just thinking about it.

It's hot already

My computer is annoying me with it's stupid lagging. Even the music is skipping and being shitty cos of it

I only just remembered how much I love Daft Punk

I wonder if Muse tickets are one sale yet??

I can't wait for September to be over, and I can start saving properly. The only things I need to pay for between now and then is my new bed (which I ordered last week) and my rego next month.. then it's all or nothing pretty much. I'm so excited

I want ice cream

I have become addicted to Facebook!! Where else can you throw dirty pubes at someone

Yeah.... that's it
Hope the party ended up ok. I really don't know how I'd cope if a stack of randoms invaded my space. Would freak me out greatly.
Take care, and I'm sure I'll see you again soon