So I think it's about time for a new post. I've slept way too much today, and I bet I'll not sleep at all tonight. Damn the rain and it's being so beautiful and cold and sleepy.... I'm so hungry, but I know if I start dinner now I'll be insanely bored later on in the night when I can't sleep. 
Nothing really exciting to tell despite lots of things happening at the moment. Something tripped my electricity safety switch and half my house didn't work for a while. The process of eliminaiton failed until I decided I needed a hot chocolate, so I plugged my kettle into a working point, switched it on, and wham, electricity cuts out again. So I need a new kettle, and that's about the most exciting thing that happened today
Dinner at Montezuma's for Nic's going away last night was lovely. I have never had Mexican before, but mine was yum and everyone else's looked awesome too. The Sangria was rather tasty but I wish I'd had time to finish it off, haha. Totally can't wait for the real party on Saturday night, it will be a fun but sad night.
My last blog referred to an old friend who wanted to catch up (today), and had coerced me into doing so. I had decided to tell him that I just didn't have the desire nor the time to catch up. However I completely forgot until five minutes ago that I was supposed to meet him at lunch today OR tell him I wasn't going to make it, so I had done neither...doo da doo... I feel so bad for totally standing him up....
Housemate broke to me a few nights ago that her parents are buying her a house for her birthday, which means I'll be on the hunt again for yet another housemate over the next few months. I hate share housing, it's always non stop drama, grrrrr.
Some fucker had parked across my driveway when I got home today.
His excuse was that he was fixing the plumbing next door, and I was like "then why didn't you park across their driveway instead of mine.." He said he'd only be half an hour, and I told him to pay for my parking or go park somewhere else. He promptly moved.
We went to Strike bowling for a work function on Tuesday night. It was fun - I got the lowest score, and did Karaoke for the first time in my life. I sang Wannabe with another girl, and everyone chose It's Raining Men as my solo piece... Work is still really busy. I can't believe how fast we have sold out of some of the Outdoor stock - Wendy and Maurie are ecstatic at how well it is doing and both say they are proud of my choices, but as usual Helene has to find something to put me down for and has voiced to other staff members (not to me) how dissappointed she is at my underordering.
Stupid bitch. I can't wait until she leaves. We're doing a big Outdoor Workshop on the Sunday after my housewarming, with demos from BBQ chefs and presentations from some of the suppliers and fabric companies and stuff. I hope I don't feel like shit, hahaa.
Still so much stuff to look forward to over the next few weeks.. can't wait for October so I can put my savings plan into action seriously, and Africa is all go from there
It's so good having something set in stone to work towards, and I'm so excited already 

Nothing really exciting to tell despite lots of things happening at the moment. Something tripped my electricity safety switch and half my house didn't work for a while. The process of eliminaiton failed until I decided I needed a hot chocolate, so I plugged my kettle into a working point, switched it on, and wham, electricity cuts out again. So I need a new kettle, and that's about the most exciting thing that happened today

Dinner at Montezuma's for Nic's going away last night was lovely. I have never had Mexican before, but mine was yum and everyone else's looked awesome too. The Sangria was rather tasty but I wish I'd had time to finish it off, haha. Totally can't wait for the real party on Saturday night, it will be a fun but sad night.

My last blog referred to an old friend who wanted to catch up (today), and had coerced me into doing so. I had decided to tell him that I just didn't have the desire nor the time to catch up. However I completely forgot until five minutes ago that I was supposed to meet him at lunch today OR tell him I wasn't going to make it, so I had done neither...doo da doo... I feel so bad for totally standing him up....

Housemate broke to me a few nights ago that her parents are buying her a house for her birthday, which means I'll be on the hunt again for yet another housemate over the next few months. I hate share housing, it's always non stop drama, grrrrr.

Some fucker had parked across my driveway when I got home today.

We went to Strike bowling for a work function on Tuesday night. It was fun - I got the lowest score, and did Karaoke for the first time in my life. I sang Wannabe with another girl, and everyone chose It's Raining Men as my solo piece... Work is still really busy. I can't believe how fast we have sold out of some of the Outdoor stock - Wendy and Maurie are ecstatic at how well it is doing and both say they are proud of my choices, but as usual Helene has to find something to put me down for and has voiced to other staff members (not to me) how dissappointed she is at my underordering.

Still so much stuff to look forward to over the next few weeks.. can't wait for October so I can put my savings plan into action seriously, and Africa is all go from there

Africa... You girls are going to have so much fun. Like oodles of it!
Her parents are buying her a house for her birthday? Wow. Lucky. I've got a great idea. Well, almost, not really at all. But I could rent out my place out and move into yours. It's entirely riddled with flaws, but I've giggled plenty while writing it out... imagine the possibilities - the kitchen becoming a DIY surgery, the loungeroom a dancefloor for Wumpscut and Combichrist...
Yay for you versus the plumber man. I'm always suitably impressed when you stand up for yourself. I'm a bit more of a pushover.
Saturday night will be awesome. Sad, but awesome. Looking forward to seeing you, and I hope you sleep well tonight. Have you got Sunday off by chance?
or this:
I think HEdog should be black.
Like my heart.
Bwahaha. *insert goth moment here*