Hmm I don't think I'll be doing that again in a hurry
. Was totally and utterly exhausted after work last night, and crashed out as soon as I had a bite to eat, which was about 6 think. And I slept the whole night through until 7am. So now I've waaaay overslept and feel like crap again, haha!
Work has been really draining lately. Aside from us being in clearance mode and it being insanely busy all the time, boss has been giving me other salespeople's major problems to sort out just about every day for the last week and dealing with irate customers non stop seems to have really taken a lot out of me physically and mentally. I'm usually pretty good at leaving work problems at work and forgetting them when I go home but lately I've not been so good at it, lol. It's all good though, nothing worse than what I did in my last job, and I am really enjoying the challenge of working with cranky people, you better believe it!!! Boss told me a few weeks ago that she had a new challenge in mind for me; the customer service manager gave notice the same week, lol, I really hope she doesn't want me to do customer service!!!
Still waiting on my money from the bank... Can't wait to get my car
I have so much stuff to organise in the next few weeks; fridges, sofas, other furniture, loans,leases, bond, moving people in and out etc etc will be a fast few weeks I think. As much as I'm going to miss Damnation_Game
I am really looking forward to Emily moving in 
I'm still so happy
Am dyying to see one particular friend again though; she has been away for way too long 
Everything in my life right now is starting to fall into place, which make me soo happy..
Weee, I have to finish getting ready for work now... gonna be a crazy day!
EDITED TO ADD: Okay here's a poll....
Should Kate strip her hair and let her hair grow natural colour again? (Natural colour being dirty dark blonde).... Answer honestly here....

Work has been really draining lately. Aside from us being in clearance mode and it being insanely busy all the time, boss has been giving me other salespeople's major problems to sort out just about every day for the last week and dealing with irate customers non stop seems to have really taken a lot out of me physically and mentally. I'm usually pretty good at leaving work problems at work and forgetting them when I go home but lately I've not been so good at it, lol. It's all good though, nothing worse than what I did in my last job, and I am really enjoying the challenge of working with cranky people, you better believe it!!! Boss told me a few weeks ago that she had a new challenge in mind for me; the customer service manager gave notice the same week, lol, I really hope she doesn't want me to do customer service!!!

Still waiting on my money from the bank... Can't wait to get my car

I'm still so happy

Everything in my life right now is starting to fall into place, which make me soo happy..
Weee, I have to finish getting ready for work now... gonna be a crazy day!

EDITED TO ADD: Okay here's a poll....
Should Kate strip her hair and let her hair grow natural colour again? (Natural colour being dirty dark blonde).... Answer honestly here....
thanks for my testimonial. fuck i adore you. have i told you that lately?? play night next tues. im dying to see you, but you already know that xxxxxxxx
yo biatch, whatup? glad all is rosy! hair is made to be fucked with!