Okay, so apparently I am 'expected'
to write a blog about my weekend. SO basically, *clears throat* , my little sister was in an 'accident' on Saturday night and I was required to look after baby during her short stay in hospital, rofl, so managed to get out of work Sunday and Monday for the BBQ.
All I can say is, I had an incredibly awesome weekend. BBQ was great, beautiful day, lovely people and I don't think it could possibly have gotten any better (I mean, it was shit Anna- really, really shit
). Highlights for me was spewing from excessive red wine for the first time in about, hmmmm, four years? But yes, as the beautiful Kye mentioned, I managed to piss myself laughing the entire vommitty time...meh, I tend to laugh at silly shit and you can tell I mustn't drink a lot just from the fact I am blogging about it, lol. Other highlights were FINALLY beating reigning Scrabble champ Pezzam at Scrabble on Monday
Also, The Departed was just as good a film as everyone has been making out. AND I managed to get lost TWICE and I will be very, VERY surprised if I don't end up with a speeding ticket from the weekend
It was really lovely to hang out with everyone again, I'm sorry if I was seeming a bit anti-social on Sunday, was also not feeling particularly fantastic from the night before, lol. But it was all self inflicted so I guess I should have gotten over it....
Public thanks again to Re and Rhian for letting me crash there
I really hope I can come to bowling on the weekend *sigh* We'll see how I go..
Hope everyone has a lovely week

All I can say is, I had an incredibly awesome weekend. BBQ was great, beautiful day, lovely people and I don't think it could possibly have gotten any better (I mean, it was shit Anna- really, really shit

It was really lovely to hang out with everyone again, I'm sorry if I was seeming a bit anti-social on Sunday, was also not feeling particularly fantastic from the night before, lol. But it was all self inflicted so I guess I should have gotten over it....

I really hope I can come to bowling on the weekend *sigh* We'll see how I go..
Hope everyone has a lovely week

but i will be at sushi/bowling
i have a feeling i will be catching up with you sooner than that