, and a reallllly big one, too, on my toes, lol, and now my foot is fucked. I laughed/cried so hard, I couldn't believe it. Must have been Karma. For something I did.....
On bad notes, my older sister left me about a hundred messages on my phone during the meeting yesterday, telling me to call my little sister; she really needed my help. So I call her and find out her pothead boyfriend has had a psychotic episode and beaten her up. I also found out that apparently it wasn't the first time it's happened, but this time she had been so scared that she had called the police and the ambulance and had a DVO taken out on him. ALSO was told that his brother had been daignosed with drug induced bipolar disorder (which is like what my ex had so Aimee thought I would understand a bit more than my older sister) and she's worried he's gonna develop the same if he doesn't stop smoking. Boy...when someone hurts my little sister that makes me madder than anything. What hurts more is that, although we knew he was a pothead, he was always sooo lovely and treated her and us well and we really liked and trusted him, especially now she's got a bub with him. And to make it worse, Aimee has asked me not to tell mum until he gets some psychiatric help and it's all sorted
Anyhoo, I'm off to the city to see if Cathy has finished my drawing yet, and to buy a valance for my bed to hide lal the crap underneath it, lol.
Your sisters man is going into psychiatric care? That is awesome. I am so pleased for you and your sis and him. The fact that he agreed to do it is an awesome sign of him knowing he isnt right, and is more likely to get "cured" or whatnot if he knows he isnt right. So thats awesome