Okay so I'm over yesterday's little incident, I was just sooo mad at the time I felt it necessary to write it down.... I'll pass on Monday if they're nice to me, hehe. Though I am now angry cos it's costing me another $450 to fix the indicators and the window switch
I am sooo broke. Not only that but stupid housemate who we kicked out has not paid her rent for 3 weeks and has made me a $120 phone bill (thank god we have her bond) so I have to pay that, too. I am soooo broke and have another 3 weeks til I get paid again, lol.
So as brokeness (yes, also a word!!) goes, I also maxed out my credit card for the first time EVER today, lol. Was abit of a shock - went to buy something worth $10 and for some reason decided to put it on credit and it was declined, rofl. I've never done it before!! I need to pay it off......DAMMMMIT!!!
Anyhooo fiiiiiinally got my hair cut today, looks and feels heaps better and I can actually see now cos my fringe isn't dangling in my eyes.
Really badly wanna get my hands on a copy of the film Deadwing... it was the movie that Steven Wilson from Porcupine Tree wrote the Deadwing album for (which is one of my fave albums ever). The preview I saw of it looked interesting...IMDB doesn't have it listed which is a pain, too

So as brokeness (yes, also a word!!) goes, I also maxed out my credit card for the first time EVER today, lol. Was abit of a shock - went to buy something worth $10 and for some reason decided to put it on credit and it was declined, rofl. I've never done it before!! I need to pay it off......DAMMMMIT!!!
Anyhooo fiiiiiinally got my hair cut today, looks and feels heaps better and I can actually see now cos my fringe isn't dangling in my eyes.
Really badly wanna get my hands on a copy of the film Deadwing... it was the movie that Steven Wilson from Porcupine Tree wrote the Deadwing album for (which is one of my fave albums ever). The preview I saw of it looked interesting...IMDB doesn't have it listed which is a pain, too

Dark Tranquillity were easily EASILY in the top 5 aussie gigs ive ever seen. their live show was simply electric! the crowd was giving them so much energy and you could really tell on the faces and in the reactions of the band members that they were having a hellova time too. i ran into the bass player at the poker tables at the casino later that night too!! he was so thankful to play infront of Perth for his first australian gig, said it was one of the best small venue (ie: <1000 ppl) gigs hes played in some time.