Yay, so my drawing is underway. She said it would take at least 10 hours to draw it so I have to go back in a fortnight or so to see the progress and make any final adjustments. So I guess it will be something like another 6-8 weeks before I get it done
My stupid car stopped working during my driving lesson today
The indicators stopped working (which has happened before), so my final lesson before my test was cut very short. What made it worse though, is that my driving instructor tried to fix the fuses and dropped one of the damn things into the motor, so I drove home with no brake lights, either. Hehe, Murphy's Law
Sooo I have to pay to have it serviced this week, and from what RACQ man said it's gonna cost a bucket to fix the indicator problem, yay. One of the many reasons I have not had a car for so long.
Saw my older sis today for the first time in a ahout a month and a half and we had a lovely day. Went and saw our little sister and her bub - he is so gorgeous now
Did lots of shopping, very nearly almost spent $200 on this reallllly nice business suit jacket thingy in Cue (and it actually fitted me!!! :eek
but decided to put it off till next week when my first big pay comes through. I have managed to survive with less than $650 from my last pay which was 3 weeks ago, hehehe, which I thought was a mighty good effort.
I have put on 8kg's in a bit over a fortnight
Which is like, 15% extra, which is like, a lot when you're as short as me. I've been eating waaay too much just out of boredom, an I want to look nice for my new ink, not all bubbly and pudgy heehee, so I have to eat healthy for a few weeks until I loose it again and fit into my good jeans once more. As much as I would love to, I have never really been able to motivate myself enough to go to the gym or even walk in the mornings which would really help right now

My stupid car stopped working during my driving lesson today

Saw my older sis today for the first time in a ahout a month and a half and we had a lovely day. Went and saw our little sister and her bub - he is so gorgeous now

I have put on 8kg's in a bit over a fortnight

as far as the gym. i joined fitness first in Jan. I went reguarly for a month then stopped kinda. i have only just started back (after paying ridiculous gym fees) and i hate it.. but i feel so good afterwards!
i normally just do 30-45 mins on the cross trainer (with my iPod.. i couldnt survive if i couldnt listen to my own music!) and i have a gym playlist with all my favourite songs that inspire me to get a great body. Def Leppards "Pour Some Sugar on Me" is a must and appears three times... it really makes me want a pole dancing/stripper worthy body! haha!
Does your gym do classes? i did a pump class the other day.. tiring but really awesome. apparently if you do one of those three times a week your body totally transforms!
i too want a half sleeve... badly. i am going to wait till winter though.. so i can be sure i want it enough and know what i want exactly.