So yay... I got a $5k pay rise. Not quite as much as I wanted but meh...better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick
He also told me politely that he'd prefer if I took my piercings out, and as much as I hate feeling oppressed, I think I'll do a bit of a compromise next week and buy some retainers. However, I don't want to let my tunnels grow over *cries*. Anyone got any ideas on how to make tunnels look 'classy'? I currently wear spirals in both holes in each ear, and I have seen little flesh coloured silicone-type tunnels which I guess I could then put a set of 'classy' earrings through
So since we kicked Megan out, she's been going out of her way to do allll the things we told her had been pissing us off. ie leaving all the doors open/ lights on, smoking in the house, making huge messes in the kitchen. Farrk I hate vindictivism.
And YES, that too is a word
Blah. I just ate too much fish and chips and now I feel

So since we kicked Megan out, she's been going out of her way to do allll the things we told her had been pissing us off. ie leaving all the doors open/ lights on, smoking in the house, making huge messes in the kitchen. Farrk I hate vindictivism.

Blah. I just ate too much fish and chips and now I feel

And vindictivism = best word I've heard all day. Possibly ever.