So I have noticed that after a week that many people are willing to make you your friend but aren't interested in getting to know you. But the few that do are awesome! This is my fourth "blog" It has been a very fucked up week! I wonder to myself if I post these to get some form of attention some kind of recognition that some one might be interested in my life, or that wants to get to know me. I guess time will tell. Also as a larger I have always been self conscience about how I am perceived, like oh look at that fat guy I put up a handful of pics thus far with no remarks not even about my wiener lol. As fore stated time will tell, will you the anonymous person reading this comment will you make an attempt to get to know some one new. I not a stalker or crazy ass I just want some friends, maybe some attention?
thanks for the friend request. 

Thank you for writing hope we get to chat some time!