May I just say I am tired of reading all the articles on this site? The liberalism is ridiculous and has gone overboard. So selective are the authors using information and lazy on gathering enough for a cerebral discussion. You would think I was complaining about the whining that is presented on this site daily, but I am not considering it whining. It is the illogical arguments that are being put out and slopped up by all the I know it all because I am a liberal and our government should listen to me is what I am talking about.
I can grantee one out of six of you (considering I have six friends and I feel one of you is cunning enough to openly think and understand my post) believe the tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 helped the rich while screwing the poor. Were going to forget about the reduction in the federal budget surplus at this moment (for those who think a budget surplus is good, feel free to have your pay check directly deposited in Uncle Sams wallet). See PMunk, were in a deficit and thats horrible! Please take Econ 101 before using that argument with me (its a statement I would agree with but you would have to explain yourself).
It should be noted that the more money people have in their pockets ($1.1 trillion since the tax cuts), the more they will spend and the more tax money the government will collect. CNN states, that jump in tax revenue is the second highest in the past 25 years. Corporate income tax receipts rose 26 percent, while individual income tax receipts climbed 14 percent. The tax cuts did not let the richer get richer, it allowed for the trickle down effect and for more money to be deposited in our pockets. Notice this did not happen during the Clinton administration. Bush administration cut taxes and now we have an economic resurgence that's now in its 18th straight quarter of growth. If you want to argue political sides, JFK was the last democrat to really understand tax cuts and make use of them (use of history, a lacking factor in many arguments).
Enough figures and facts, I am not writing about tax cuts or past and present administrations. The point of this post is to express my inability to tolerate anymore ignorant ideologies from ANY person. I dont care who YOU voted for, who YOU blame everything wrong in society on and what YOU think should be done to correct the world (I also am sick of people using the thesaurus in effort to sounds smart and creditable). I listen to educated hypotheses and opinions, nothing else and this site lacks the ability to produce just that. That is my point.
Continue on filling each others heads with meaningless words. Keep sympathizing and looking for sympathy. I guess the internet gives the ability to do this and this site just caters to that type of group
I can grantee one out of six of you (considering I have six friends and I feel one of you is cunning enough to openly think and understand my post) believe the tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 helped the rich while screwing the poor. Were going to forget about the reduction in the federal budget surplus at this moment (for those who think a budget surplus is good, feel free to have your pay check directly deposited in Uncle Sams wallet). See PMunk, were in a deficit and thats horrible! Please take Econ 101 before using that argument with me (its a statement I would agree with but you would have to explain yourself).
It should be noted that the more money people have in their pockets ($1.1 trillion since the tax cuts), the more they will spend and the more tax money the government will collect. CNN states, that jump in tax revenue is the second highest in the past 25 years. Corporate income tax receipts rose 26 percent, while individual income tax receipts climbed 14 percent. The tax cuts did not let the richer get richer, it allowed for the trickle down effect and for more money to be deposited in our pockets. Notice this did not happen during the Clinton administration. Bush administration cut taxes and now we have an economic resurgence that's now in its 18th straight quarter of growth. If you want to argue political sides, JFK was the last democrat to really understand tax cuts and make use of them (use of history, a lacking factor in many arguments).
Enough figures and facts, I am not writing about tax cuts or past and present administrations. The point of this post is to express my inability to tolerate anymore ignorant ideologies from ANY person. I dont care who YOU voted for, who YOU blame everything wrong in society on and what YOU think should be done to correct the world (I also am sick of people using the thesaurus in effort to sounds smart and creditable). I listen to educated hypotheses and opinions, nothing else and this site lacks the ability to produce just that. That is my point.
Continue on filling each others heads with meaningless words. Keep sympathizing and looking for sympathy. I guess the internet gives the ability to do this and this site just caters to that type of group
A hell of a lot more people hate us now than they did when the Pres was just getting a hummer in the White House.
I fear for the health and future of our country on a daily basis.
I used small words to express my sentiments plainly enough for you. hehehehheheh.
Dude, you can always just look at the boobies. remember, that was the ORIGINAL intention of the site. hee hee!