(15:33:25) Retarded chick: which is also why you keep trying to call me
(15:33:31) Retarded chick: its a tough spot for me to be in
(15:33:52) Retarded chick: which is probably why i havent made much effort to call back, im sorry about that
(15:34:46) SuperAwesomeDude: sorry for putting you in a hard spot
(15:35:02) Retarded chick: its like, youre cool, and i didnt mind hanging out with you while you were here
(15:35:24) Retarded chick: but we were never really close, just had a lot of coincidental friends...im not one of the cool printing people, so yeah...
(15:35:36) Retarded chick: and meghans my best friend, i have to stay true to her
So did I just break up with my exs best friend? Fucking moron. Seriously, this conversation makes no sense. I only called three times over break and that was to be nice and try to hang out. But wait, I guess I was used by her too. Man, ass holes really do hang out with other ass holes. Its just funny how she came out of nowhere and tore me a new one. Of course I had to ask if she was seeing another dude. The response was:
(15:38:44) Retarded chick: haha
(15:38:53) Retarded chick: no idea
I talked to one friend and she said that the response means yes and that I should have phrased the question as How long has she been dating her new dude?
Alright, enough of that. This time I actually do have some good news. So my friend who I have been in love with for 8 years is now coming out Feb 9. Ive been keeping myself from extreme thoughts since I know no relationship will come of it, but still. Shes the one I had seen over break and had a good time with. I guess its something if shes flying up from Vegas to spend Valentines weekend with me. So now I have to get some cash and a plane ticket for spring break. That will be a good time. Shes a RA at UNLV so I can crash there, but the plane is still $250-350.
Yeah, this weekend was weak. I ended up spending most of it being drunk. But I have decided that this new liquid diet needs to stop. No wonder why Ive been losing all this weight
Well, I guess thats about it. School is just starting to pick up and I am counting down the time till my blond haired blue eyed mistress is out to spend some time. Later
(15:33:31) Retarded chick: its a tough spot for me to be in
(15:33:52) Retarded chick: which is probably why i havent made much effort to call back, im sorry about that
(15:34:46) SuperAwesomeDude: sorry for putting you in a hard spot
(15:35:02) Retarded chick: its like, youre cool, and i didnt mind hanging out with you while you were here
(15:35:24) Retarded chick: but we were never really close, just had a lot of coincidental friends...im not one of the cool printing people, so yeah...
(15:35:36) Retarded chick: and meghans my best friend, i have to stay true to her
So did I just break up with my exs best friend? Fucking moron. Seriously, this conversation makes no sense. I only called three times over break and that was to be nice and try to hang out. But wait, I guess I was used by her too. Man, ass holes really do hang out with other ass holes. Its just funny how she came out of nowhere and tore me a new one. Of course I had to ask if she was seeing another dude. The response was:
(15:38:44) Retarded chick: haha
(15:38:53) Retarded chick: no idea
I talked to one friend and she said that the response means yes and that I should have phrased the question as How long has she been dating her new dude?
Alright, enough of that. This time I actually do have some good news. So my friend who I have been in love with for 8 years is now coming out Feb 9. Ive been keeping myself from extreme thoughts since I know no relationship will come of it, but still. Shes the one I had seen over break and had a good time with. I guess its something if shes flying up from Vegas to spend Valentines weekend with me. So now I have to get some cash and a plane ticket for spring break. That will be a good time. Shes a RA at UNLV so I can crash there, but the plane is still $250-350.
Yeah, this weekend was weak. I ended up spending most of it being drunk. But I have decided that this new liquid diet needs to stop. No wonder why Ive been losing all this weight
Well, I guess thats about it. School is just starting to pick up and I am counting down the time till my blond haired blue eyed mistress is out to spend some time. Later


good to hear. shirts are ordered, probably about 2 weeks from now. WOO!

Yeah, I'm sad I won't be able to have a nice party for hims this year.