So went and saw the Reverend while I was in Tex-ass. Was out drinking with my brother and some friends and all of a sudden Brent says,
"The Reverend's playing at Trees tonight"
And I knew I had to go.
So drank a bit more smoked a bit and we were off to Trees for one of the best times in a while. Hadn't been...
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ooh.. you lived in the bible belt? wherabouts?
i used to live down there too.
Blah, it's Sunday. Blah, sobriety sucks. Blah, having a boring career sucks.

I need something fun to do. Any ideas?
You mentionned the "S" word. That word is forboden! We've had a bunch of it in the last few days and I've got to walk to work in it tomorrow!
Oh! you mean S***. Sorry dude, thought you might want to make a s***man or something. Just trying to help. heh.
OK, haven't updated this in a LONG time. Been down in Tex-ass visiting the parentals for Xmas and their computer isn't that reliable. Hope everyone reading this got what they wanted from Santa, I know I did: relaxation.
Spent today on planes and in airports, and tomorrow I have to pick up a rental car at 9 am and drive to Montreal for New Years....
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Free at last! The LSAT is complete and I can go back to having a life! I bought Civilization 3 as a present to myself. Now I have to do all the crap that I've been using the LSAT as an excuse not to do, like cleaning my room. What a mess.
So my back has decided to play up again. It has a wonderful array of problems that delight and intrigue my physiotherapist.

But I have a fairly high threshold for pain combined with either extreme laziness or a fear of doctors (haven't worked out which one it is) so I usually wait a long time to head for help. For the past two weeks I've...
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I totally know what you're talking about. And as new-agey and cheesy as it sounds, the thing that really does the trick for me is yoga. I swear man, it works miracles. By the time you're done with your class, all your muscles are so sore that you don't have time to feel any other pain...not to metion you're incredibly relaxed and focused...almost as good as an orgasm...almost, but not quite...hehe
Yay! Another poor soul on the Saturday test taking extravaganza. I'll pray my goddamn ass off for ya!
The games, the games! Make them go away!!!!!!!!
Well the pool table I bought is finally is finished. This would be the pool table I bought from a bar I used to manage when I was piss drunk on St Patty's day. I find I tend to do stupid stuff when I'm drunk, is it just me?

Anyway so I bid $200 for it, never thinking I'd get it, well the never thinking...
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He He ^_* I know the feeling ...woke up on a greyhound one year going to Monticello! Don't remember shit all! But hey i bet your Uncle's happy! Ciao For Now ^_^
OK still working on my resume and f-ing cover a letter. Gov job apps are very interesting. You actually have to use the same wording that appears in the job call, gramatically correct or not. So if for instance the job call says, "Experience in sexually assaulting farm livestock in medium to thick mud conditions" you have to type in your resume and cover letter...
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Working on my resume and cover letter. You know, I never realized how much that needed doing around the house until I started working on this.

I really loathe doing resumes etc. Hire me damn it, I'm good.
So I was invited to go out and protest the rumored upcoming war in Iraq. I'm not all that in favour of war (frankly the best suggestion I've heard thusfar was from an Iraqi deputy who suggested that Bush and Hussein duke it out in a ring, that'd be enteraining) but I declined, couldn't help thinking about the last protest I attended where we ended...
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So this is rather depressing. Home alone on a Friday night. Used to that at the end of the night, but at the start? Know ya'll are anxious to know why. Currently I have $5 in my wallet, which in this town won't even get you a glare from a waiter, and that is the extent of my worldly disposable assets. According to the secretary...
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Solved the laundry crisis, know that everyone was extremely worried about this and probably lost tons of sleep on it.
I wore the shirt with the big tear in it. The striped shirt with the big tear in it. The red striped shirt with the big tear in it.
I see no reason to throw out perfectly good clothing. I wore a sweater over it...
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