I haven't been to Scotland yet but it looks really nice. Any free samples at the distilleries? That doesn't always happen but when it does it can be pretty epic.
England and Scotland tickets are booked for end of August. Planning on London then Edinburgh then Islay then Glasgow then London. Damn this is going to be awesome.
And a Florida trip in October for my community council. Who said volunteering never paid? I plan on hitting up some awesome Cigar City brews when I'm down there.
You're going to be all over the UK with that trip and it should be pretty full of win. Volunteering really can pay off especially if it involves trips to nice places
Okay wow totally forgot to post about Singapore. I went in September and had a great time. It's a beautiful part of the world and quite a lively town. If you ever get the chance to go, I highly recommend it.
I actually went the week after I went skydiving. That was a good week lol!
Started my new job. Woo. It's actually pretty kickass. They take really good care of their employees which is a great change from a broke County job where everyone is always talking about furloughs and layoffs.
I'm going skydiving soon. Hopefully fit it in sometime before September. Then it's off to Singapore for a fun vacation. I can't wait to try all that great food... Read More
Well I was lucky enough to go to Dark Lord Day over the weekend at 3 Floyds Brewery outside of Chicago. For those of you unaware of what Dark Lord is, it is arguably one of the best beers brewed in the US today. It's a Russian Imperial Stout and is extremely rare. Only 6,000 people are allowed in and each person can only get... Read More
I'm getting a new office on Monday. It's next to my current office but has an actual door. This is a big improvement.
I've got a ticket for a tandem skydive at some point in the near future. I can't wait to hurl myself out of a perfectly good airplane for nothing more than the rush of it.
I'm going to have to think about it - never tried it before, but based on not shaving for days due to exams when I was in school, I know that I look really shady with a beard.