had lots of fun with Megze and Brian last night bowling. Megze was spectacular. She had this magic little red ball. I stole it when she wasn't looking and got a few strikes of my own though.
Last craft night I got there really late, but everyone was hepped up on goofballs and were thinking about having a slumber party, so I got to make a few things. I made some catnipyarnieball things where I put some crunchy paper with catnip in them into a ball then wrapped them with yarn so they were big .. big enough for a kittycat to play with. I gave one to Babykitty (AJ's cat) and she loved it.

I also made a cape for Mr. T. Megze said he likes it alot. Go check out her journal to see!
AJ and I saw Borat. It was funny. Some icky funny parts. Some oh my god did they say that funny parts, and other funny parts. A good time.
Working on another paper for work. Trying to submit it by next week I think. My PI aske dme to write the results section and I thought... uhhhmmm oookkkk. This sucks. But I tried it and she was really happy with it. So she asked me to write the discussion. It's even harder. Blech.
I'm planning on having a few people over at my apt for a little bit Sunday late afternoon , say around 3ishish to play some poker then head over to Blake Street for some free poker to winmoney. It's a good time and good poeple over there. Nice atmosphere and decently priced alcohol I believe, and huge plasma screens for the game. Chicago's playing the Giants I think Sunday night, so that should be a good one. If anyone wants to join me, let me know.
Still haven't got any pics of my costume up except for a phone cam pic at Rise that one night. One of these days, prolly by the weekend I'll take the thing out of my car and make a video quick. So busy the last two weeks though. blech.
Going to Chatfield dog park this Saturday sometime too. Seneca needs to get out and I want to spend a long time there with her swimming and running around. Can't wait to go. There are supposedly big lakes up there for her to swim around and its as good or better than Cherry Creek dog park. And she loves Cherry creek.
I keep getting complements on how much more I'm lifting and that I'm getting bigger and more cut. I don't see it. Eh.
Pretty bummed about 43. I don't get it sometimes.
Lot's to do so I better get going.
p.s. this is what's on my desktop

p.p.s. I was just on you tube looking up jum gaffigan for some reason cuz I for reason I remembered this stand up I found pretty fun of him. couldn't find it. I might get beyond the pale. isn't that a video of his standup. anyway. point is one of the little video deals on the videotube page while I searchged for the gaffigan stuff was two videos for the be good tanyas. I didn't know they had videos. When I lived in Pittsburgh I went down to the used cd store to find cheap cds and found theirs. Liked it and found out they were playing in NYC one weekend a month later. So I told my friends I was going up over that weekend to see them and a few people road tripped it up there with me. that was a fun weekend. I went to the show by myself, and it wasn't great, but just to go up for that was fun. Anyway. that's my story.

Last craft night I got there really late, but everyone was hepped up on goofballs and were thinking about having a slumber party, so I got to make a few things. I made some catnipyarnieball things where I put some crunchy paper with catnip in them into a ball then wrapped them with yarn so they were big .. big enough for a kittycat to play with. I gave one to Babykitty (AJ's cat) and she loved it.

I also made a cape for Mr. T. Megze said he likes it alot. Go check out her journal to see!

AJ and I saw Borat. It was funny. Some icky funny parts. Some oh my god did they say that funny parts, and other funny parts. A good time.
Working on another paper for work. Trying to submit it by next week I think. My PI aske dme to write the results section and I thought... uhhhmmm oookkkk. This sucks. But I tried it and she was really happy with it. So she asked me to write the discussion. It's even harder. Blech.
I'm planning on having a few people over at my apt for a little bit Sunday late afternoon , say around 3ishish to play some poker then head over to Blake Street for some free poker to winmoney. It's a good time and good poeple over there. Nice atmosphere and decently priced alcohol I believe, and huge plasma screens for the game. Chicago's playing the Giants I think Sunday night, so that should be a good one. If anyone wants to join me, let me know.
Still haven't got any pics of my costume up except for a phone cam pic at Rise that one night. One of these days, prolly by the weekend I'll take the thing out of my car and make a video quick. So busy the last two weeks though. blech.
Going to Chatfield dog park this Saturday sometime too. Seneca needs to get out and I want to spend a long time there with her swimming and running around. Can't wait to go. There are supposedly big lakes up there for her to swim around and its as good or better than Cherry Creek dog park. And she loves Cherry creek.
I keep getting complements on how much more I'm lifting and that I'm getting bigger and more cut. I don't see it. Eh.
Pretty bummed about 43. I don't get it sometimes.
Lot's to do so I better get going.
p.s. this is what's on my desktop

p.p.s. I was just on you tube looking up jum gaffigan for some reason cuz I for reason I remembered this stand up I found pretty fun of him. couldn't find it. I might get beyond the pale. isn't that a video of his standup. anyway. point is one of the little video deals on the videotube page while I searchged for the gaffigan stuff was two videos for the be good tanyas. I didn't know they had videos. When I lived in Pittsburgh I went down to the used cd store to find cheap cds and found theirs. Liked it and found out they were playing in NYC one weekend a month later. So I told my friends I was going up over that weekend to see them and a few people road tripped it up there with me. that was a fun weekend. I went to the show by myself, and it wasn't great, but just to go up for that was fun. Anyway. that's my story.

Thanx luv!