Well, let's see..... I feel so parental good like and think it is so cute when Seneca gets something stuck in or on her paw and I can reach down and pull it out or off and kiss her paw and say it's ok good girl, and she gets all happy and everything is better. I don't like it if she gets hurt of course, but when theres a sticky brush on her and I make it all better.... yay. Short story of what may happen in the near future. I've known this for quite some time but just never wrote it down. I need to do that more with things important in my life. That's what this journal is for... for me at least mainly. So if Irina (my PI ...boss) doesn't get funding soon, within the next 6 m onths or so, I will probably get kicked out of the program. If she gets funded I will be ok until I get my PhD. Short and simple. If I leave here I may try to get a tech job until I apply to another school. Maybe Arizona, maybe Cali, maybe Vancouver. Anyway. I love the feeling after I shave and haven't for a day too long. It's super ab fab. Thing that bothers me, besides the length of time it takes is cutting myself. I don't mind so much most places but behind the knee.. at the joint. That fucking stings. It only lasts a short while and is ok after I get out of the shower but still. jeesh. I have another journal article out. On the role of epsin in the clathrin mediated endocytosis of ENaC. Neat. That's eight now. I feel pretty good about that. Especially b/c I'm currently working on another right now. I am hoping I can get it finished in the next two to three months and have it out before I have to do comps. Or get kicked out. Haha. I feel pretty good. I have been eating more and sleeping more. This is mainly b/c I have been working out almost everyday for the past week or so. I even biked to work tuesday. If it hadn't rained this morning I would have biked again. Hoepfully next week will be nice. I'm trying to decide if I should get the US airways mileage card and then buy a ticket home to PA or prob not, since it will take a few weeks for me to get it anyway and I want to go home in a few weeks. I'm think the first week in May. I also want to have another poker night the 22nd or the 29th of April. Poker night is a good time. I need to call Sidney tonight. I keep forgetting to call her before 6pm my time. 8pm is her bedtime. I should send her something again soon. I was thinking about sending her something like math blaster. I loved mathblaster. I know her mom isn't going to push the math skills so I think I should do something. I need to do something different with my hair. I want to have it it's natural color for the next time I go home so I make my grandma happy, not that she get mad or anything if I have purple hair or whatever, it just makes her happpy to see her grandbaby with his natural color. Then when I get back I need to go way more blonde or some type of mutli brown deal. That should be fun. I think the reason many people aren't vegetarians is b/c they see some made up difference btx people and non-human animals (maminals). I've never had anyone explain to me a substantial difference btx humans and maminals. At least that justifies the mass slaughter of them. If I did happen to win multi millions of dollars... well that would be pretty cool, sinc eI don't play the lottery, which is crap too. The government advertising gambling for the poor with super incrediblely low chances of winning. bleh, anyway, oh wait and pot commercials ... you'll get knocked up if you smoke pot or do drugs, you'll let someone die or kill someone.. blah blah. next commercial... drink beer b/c these people drink it and they are very athletic and run around in the sun playing football while drinking our beer X. So all illegal drugs will hurt you and others. While beer will get you the hot chicks and make you grown up and athletic. Where was I, oh if I won a lot of money I would probably attempt to put soe of it into advertising on TV. Public advertising and others to support vegetarianism and veganism and probably to stop watching tv too. That would be fun. You see a commerical on Tv convincing you to get off your ass and stop watching tv. hmm. Next craft night is robots. I need to root through some of my junk and see if I can build a robot. Maybe I have some mechanical things I can tear apart and put together to make a robot. That would be neat. I want to have a crat night to make a skirt. That would be fun. Everyone making skirts. I would have to make mine shorter than the junebug ramby skirt. Two reasons. I like quads and it would force me to workout my legs, which I probably don't enough. Biking will help that though. My legs aren't bad right now. Everything needs work of course. I think my mom has a few extra sewing machines. I might buy them from her and bring them for craft night sometime. That would be pretty freakin sweet. Hmmm, I want to get out of here early. Maybe go bowling tonight. I need to call some people.
And music is not the lowest form of communication, it has more form and structure than a sentance.