I have a freaking horrible busy day today I think. My PI (boss) has a crap load of stuff planned out and I just hope I got enough sleep to keep up all day. I have to start on some experiments soon, so hopefully I get some good results and the rest of the day goes smoothly. It snowed so I'm wet so that's a little icky, but not too bad. I went grocery shopping last night so I finally have food and finally have lunches to bring. yay! RattFinkPink likes exlaimation points. Oh, and how is thrift shopping sometime on Saturday for everyone. I'm open for anytime Saturday. RattFinkPink suggested downtown area and maybe eating at watercourse during the excursion. I think it sounds peachy.
i work until 3 on saturday so i can meet up with you guys at whatever point you're at in your thrifting excursion if it goes that late....